急! 2句话,纯手工翻译,中译英2句话

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翻译的时候尽量把句子的字数控制在30--——40词左右,能用从句翻译的就最好用从句翻译,尽量不要翻译为简单的 主谓宾 结构



The main idea of this passage is the different opinion on what is punishment and what is physical punishment. The conclusion is whether it's physical punishment or not, punishment cannot be an effective and right way to affect children's behavior.

To some people, they can experience different travel experiences from reading and learn some new thing through rejudge themselves in such a noisy world, but to others, they read just because it is their hobby.
第1个回答  2011-02-11
1. This article tells us what is punishment and shows different views on physical punishment. It concludes that punishment, be it physical or not, cannot bring effective influence on dicsiplining children's behaviors.

2. To some, reading can make them experience many different journeys as a way of self-reflection to learn more in the bustling world. But to others, reading is no more than a pure hobby.
第2个回答  2011-02-11
This article will tell us, what is the punishment and the different views on corporal punishment. Conclusion is that whether or not corporal punishment, punishment can not be effective, the right of the child's behavior.

2, for some people, they can experience by reading a number of different travel experiences, from the hustle and bustle of the world to re-examine their own but also learned some new things, but for other people, they just simply because they love to read Read it.