

1.boyzone - no matter what - 无论如何
2.maximilian hecker - summer days in bloom.mp3盛夏

Maximilian Hecker - Summer Days In Bloom
Summer Days In Bloom 盛夏的日子
Paralyzed by ancient delight 曾因过去的快乐而麻痹
And riding for a fall today 又在一个秋日中复活
I am dressed in style, so eager in mind 我身着盛装,充满渴望
But furthermore distracted by you 但此外便皆因你而迷惘
And it s like I lose myself in dreaming of summer days in bloom
Oh, I ve got no clue how I could fight that all
that I am is worth a dime 我是如此的一文不值(没用)
Worth a dime 一文不值(没用)
This liquid lunch will not stop my punch-
Drunk quality to doze while I run
It is thirty-nine degrees in my mind
It s thirty thousand miles more to go
And it's like I lose myself
in dreaming of summer days in bloom
Oh, I've got no clue how I could fight that
All that I am is worth a dime
Worth a dime
And it's like I lose myself
in dreaming of summer days in bloom
Oh, I've got no clue how I could fight that
all that I am is worth a dime
Cause it's like I lose myself
in dreaming of summer days in bloom
For I've got no clue whatever happened
All that I am is worth a dime
Worth a dime

3.a - little distraction.mp3

4.flightless bird america 暮光之城中的唯美插曲.mp3
Flightless Bird, American Mouth(破碎的梦想,自由的宣言)

I was a quick wet boy(我是一个贫穷的男人)
diving too deep for coins(为了生活苦苦的追寻)
All of your street light eyes(城市冰冷的物质眼神)
wide on my plastic toys(肆无忌惮打量我的天真)

Then when the cops closed the fair(当世界再无公平二字)
I cut my long baby hair(我痛心斩断我的幼稚)
Stole me a dog-eared map (唯一的路途也已迷失)
and called for you everywhere(到处呼唤你的名字)

Have I found you(我是否找到了你?)
Flightless bird, (破碎的梦想)
weeping (回荡着哭泣)
or lost you,(还是失去了你?)
american mouth(自由的宣言)
Big pill looming(都成了泡沫般的回忆)

Now I'm a fat house cat(我是一个一无是处的家伙)
Nursing my sore blunt tongue(舔着伤口缩回自己的小窝)
Watching the warm poison rats (透过与现实的厚厚隔膜)
curl through the wide fence cracks(看着恶心的人一一走过)

Pissing on magazine photos(他们搔首弄姿的炫耀自我)
Those fishing lures (肮脏的交易)
thrown in the cold And clean (如此冰冷清澈)
blood of Christ mountain stream(让善良与仁慈血流成河)

Have I found you(我是否找到了你?)
Flightless bird, (破碎的梦想)
grounded (渐渐失落)
bleeding (渗着鲜血)
or lost you, (还是失去了你?)
american mouth(自由的宣言)
Big pill (夸张的承诺)
stuck going down(不再执着)
第1个回答  2011-01-29
mariah carey的 we belong together I stay in love
ina的 I wanted you
kelly clarkson的 timeless
第2个回答  2011-01-29
with him
baby baby
i do
siting down here
第3个回答  2011-01-29
no tears --JAMES BLUNT
第4个回答  2011-01-29
我就一首 Norah Jones 的don t know why