
I have been on cloud nine all day .
When my dad found out ,he blew his top.
I bleive I have a lemon on my hands.
Something fishy is going on around here.
John is one of those fair weather friends.
We were just shooting the breeze for awhile.
Why don't you just zip your lip,buddy?
The class is going to be all ears today.
That poor guy is all washed up!

我整天都欣喜若狂。 cloud nine 九重天 形容狂喜,极乐心境
我爸爸知道后,大发雷霆。 blow one's top 抓狂,大发雷霆
这儿有可疑的事情发生。 fishy可疑的
约翰是这帮酒肉朋友之一。 fair weather friends 只会同安乐却不能共患难的人;酒肉朋友
我刚才闲聊了一会儿。shoot the breeze 闲聊,侃大山
你为什么不闭上你的嘴,老兄? zip your lip 闭嘴
今天整个班级将会认真的听(演讲) all ears 全神贯注地听
那个穷小子完蛋了 be washed up 失败了,完蛋了
纯手工翻译 一些俚语专门查了英汉俚语大字典 基本没问题 望采纳