

As a matter of fact, the internet become a controversial topic in contemporary society. Some people believe that teenagers should be allowed to use the internet, but the other hold a totally different opinion. For my perspective, I agree with the former. I have three reasons to support my perspective.

First of all, the internet can offer a good platform for teenagers for study. Teenagers can find a lot of information on the internet, it can provide a convenience for the students who needs some materical for their paper. It's more effective than books, so teenagers can save their time by using the imternet.

The internet not only can be a platfrom for study, but also can be a platfrom for debate. The internet is a free place and we can meet a lot of people there. We can discuss some problems that we meet and find the solution together. You may obtain more ideas than thingking alone. When you are debating, you may find new things that you ignored before.

Furthermore, the internet is also a significant way for teenagers to know about the news. Teenager prefer to read the news on the internet, they hardly ever watch the TV and read the newspaper to know the big events. So, if we don't allow they use the internet and they will be insulate for the world.

Afterall, it's necessary for teenagers to use the internet. We should encourage them to using the internet and we have the responsibility to teach them how to use the internet correctly.
第1个回答  2021-11-21
My parents think teenagers shouldn't be allowed to use the Internet because it can get in the way of our schoolwork.And sometimes it may even put us in danger if we meet people online alone.