
This too was visited by me as early as 1978. However for some reason or another it has registered less in my mind than Longmen, visited just a few days earlier. Perhaps the novelty of looking at Buddhist statues had worn off or perhaps I was still recovering from having, earlier that morning, visited the 揂nti-Nuclear Tunnels� at a cake factory in Datong! There we had been told that Mao Tse Tung had said in his teachings on preparation for war and natural disasters 揇ig tunnels deep, stock greens (vegetables?) everywhere and never seek hegemony� (there is no answer to that!). So the 335 workers in the factory had spent 4 years working in their spare time without payment to dig 1500 metres of tunnel. These they showed us with understandable pride. They had created kitchens, dormitories, meeting rooms and a 揷leaning room� for nuclear, chemical and biological agents - and still had plans for more!! Somehow the futility of this human endeavour cast a shadow on the results, albeit more beautiful, resulting from effort, but possibly equally futile, spent carving out and painting over 50000 Buddha statues in nearby cliffs at Yungang!! There our guide had told us that the temples were the result of the 揈xploiting classes of former rulers who used Buddhism to imprison people抯 minds� - but this seemed to apply similarly to what had been going on at the Cake Factory in relation to the Communist leaders!

Nevertheless I did note in my diary that the temple had 搈agnificent wall paintings and statues� (photo) � but you will have to decide yourself whether the sight of thousands of Buddha statues is worth the c 7hr trip out to Datong from Beijing! At that time Datong was a very grimy industrial city and the following day we were treated to a trip down a coal mine. Coincidentally 揟he Economist� of May 13 2005 contains a review of present day Datong. It appears that the very same coal mine we visited 27 years ago has started taking tourists as visitors in the hope of tapping into the large numbers who go to see Yungang!

If you do go please try to find out what has happed to the tunnels at the cake factory. Perhaps they too should be inscribed on the UNESCO list as they could be said to meet eg criteria ci, ciii and civ!! There are certainly many less worthy/amazing structures on the list.
Date posted: June 2005

还有一楼的,你资料上说你已经工作了,不明白你为什么还要这么幼稚?没有一点男人该有的气度,sounds like son of bitch!你年长我几岁,我本应该对你尊重的,可是你没有给我一个尊重你的理由,nothing short of idiocy!

这也是我访问了早在1978年。但由于某些原因或其他,注册在我的脑海比龙门少,参观了短短数天前。也许在寻找新鲜感佛像逐渐消失或者我仍然有恢复,今天上午早些时候,参观了工厂,在大同蛋糕揂NTI公司的无核隧道!在那里,我们被告知,毛泽东曾表示他的教诲对战争和自然灾害的揇球蛋白隧道深,股票准备蔬菜(蔬菜?)无处不在,永远不称霸(没有答案吧!)。因此,在工厂里的工人花了335 4年的工作在他们的业余时间不付款挖隧道1500米。这可以理解他们表现出我们的骄傲。他们创造了厨房,宿舍,会议室和一个揷核,化学和生物制剂学习室 - 现在依然已为更多的计划!不知为什么,这个人的努力是徒劳的结果蒙上了一层阴影,虽然更加美丽,从努力造成,但也可能同样是徒劳的,雕刻出来,花了50000多佛附近的悬崖雕像在云冈画!还有我们的导游告诉我们,寺庙的揈xploiting是谁用佛教思想禁锢人们抯前统治者阶层的结果 - 但这似乎同样适用于什么关系已持续在蛋糕工厂到共产党的领袖!

不过我在我的日记注意到,寺庙已搈agnificent壁画和塑像(照片),但你必须自己决定是否看见数以千计的佛像的C 7hr值得出去一趟从北京到大同的!当时大同是一个很肮脏的工业城市和次日,我们是经过了一个煤矿的旅程。无独有偶揟他对2005年5月13日经济学包含了现今大同审查。看来,同样的煤矿,我们访问了27年前已经开始以在进入谁去看云冈窃听希望广大游客游客
如果你去请尝试找出什么有君隧道的蛋糕厂。也许他们也应列入教科文组织列表,可以说他们如满足标准词、 ciii 和文明!!在列表中有少当然有很多值得/令人惊叹的结构。
发布日期: 2005 年 6 月
第1个回答  2011-02-16
作为 1978年这太我早被访问。但是由于某种原因或另一个已注册不在我的心里比访问只是几天前的龙门。也许看佛教造像的新奇,已经消退或也许仍回收有较早前那天上午参观了在大同市的蛋糕厂揂nti 核 Tunnels� !那里我们被告知毛泽东说在他的教导准备战争和自然灾害揇ig 隧道深,股票绿色 (蔬菜?) 永远不会和各地寻求的 hegemony� (有是没有问题的答案 !)。所以 335 工人在工厂花了 4 年的工作在课余时间无需支付挖 1500年米长的隧道。他们可以理解自豪地对我们的这些。他们的核、 化学和生物武器的代理-创建厨房、 宿舍、 会议室和揷leaning room�,仍有更多的计划 !不知怎么的这个人的努力是徒劳上了阴影的结果虽然更美丽造成的努力,但可能同样是徒劳,花的创业和绘画超过 50000 佛造像在附近悬崖上云冈!!那里导游告诉我们寺庙是前统治者用于佛教囚禁 people抯 minds�-揈xploiting 类的结果,但这似乎也同样适用于什么一直在蛋糕厂共产党领导人 !

不过我做我的日记中注意殿有壁画搈agnificent 和 statues� (图) �,但您将必须决定自己是否看到成千上万的佛造像是值得出 c 7 小时旅行到大同从北京 !当时大同是很肮脏的工业城市和我们受到煤矿井下旅行的第二天。巧合的是 2005 年 5 月 13 日 Economist� 包含今天大同综述。看来同样的煤炭矿井我们参观了 27 年前已开始服用游客以访客身份,希望利用大量人员去看云冈 !

如果你去请尝试找出什么有君隧道的蛋糕厂。也许他们也应列入教科文组织列表,可以说他们如满足标准词、 ciii 和文明!!在列表中有少当然有很多值得/令人惊叹的结构。
发布日期: 2005 年 6 月
第2个回答  2011-02-16


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