翻译一下下面的一段话 英文 谢谢(翻译的差不多就好,简单些,不用非要每个词都硬翻)

您好,我是XXX,99餐厅的老板。得知餐厅优秀员工张力想要出国深造,我感到非常高兴和无比欣慰。这样一个上进的年轻人应该接受更高的教育拥有更辉煌的未来。因此,我很荣幸向贵校强烈推荐这位优秀青年。她高中毕业来我的餐厅工作当服务生,她认真,勤奋,和同事关系相处十分融洽,入职后不久就被升职做领班,在她做领班期间,从未出现过客户投诉。现在,做为餐厅的优秀员工,张力工作更加认真,负责,努力。为所有同事树立了榜样。付出就有获得,他因此被评为本餐厅优秀员工,并享有高额奖金。 虽然从某种程度上来说,如此优秀的员工即将踏上留学之途是我餐厅的损失,但是考虑到他的前途,我依然毫不犹豫的支持他远赴贵校深造。真诚期望贵校能同样支持他,给他一个提升自己实现梦想的机会

Hello, I'm XXX, 99 the owner of the restaurant. That restaurant is excellent employee tension want to go abroad for further study, I am very pleased and gratified. Such a progress of young people should have a more brilliant future for higher education. Therefore, I am honored to strongly recommend this excellent school youth. She graduated from high school came to my restaurant when the waiter,she is serious, hard-working, and the relationship between colleagues get along very well, into thepost was soon promoted to foreman, during her captain, there has never been a customer complaint. Now, as the outstanding staff restaurant, tension work seriously, responsible, hard.Set an example for all my colleagues. Effort to get, so he was named the restaurant employees,and enjoy the bonuses. Although to some extent, so the outstanding staff will be on the road is my study in the restaurant's losses, but considering his future, I am still not hesitate to support his studies went to your school. Sincerely hope that your school will also support him, to give him achance to improve their dreams







我要百度这么高分干吗,我不会自己放在百度里面翻译 哦



第1个回答  2013-12-29
Hello, I'm XXX, the owner of the restaurant 99. Knowing that a good restaurant employee Zhangli wants to go abroad for further study, I feel very happy and very gratified. Such an aspirant young woman should accept higher education and have a more brilliant future. Therefore, it's my pleasure to strongly recommend this outstanding youth to your university. She came to work at my restaurant as a waiter after graduating from high school. She is earnest, diligent, friendly with her colleagues, and she was promoted to be the captain shortly after work. During her time as the captain, she has never received even a customer's complaint. Now, as the outstanding employee of the restaurant, Zhangli works more serious, responsible, and hard-working. She has set a good example for all her colleagues. As for her hard work, she is rated as an excellent employee in the restaurant and enjoys big bonuses. Although to some extent, it is a huge loss of the restaurant that such a talented staff will go on the road of study abroad, considering her future, I still don't hesitate to support her to go to your university for further study. Sincerely hope your school can also support her and give her a chance to make her dream come true.

张力我全文给的都是“她”,如果不是可以你再改一下。这是推荐信吧,记得开头写Dear XX,
另起一行再开始信件正文,结尾写上您的名字Yours, XX 这是书信较为规范的格式,如果是印好的就不用再写了,你的名字下附上你的手写签名就行了本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2013-12-29
Hello, I'm XXX, 99 the owner of the restaurant. Learn good restaurant employees tension want to go abroad for further study, I feel very happy and very gratified. Such an aspirant young people should accept higher education have a more brilliant future. Therefore, it's my pleasure to strongly recommend the outstanding youth at your university. She graduated from high school to work my restaurant as a waiter, she is earnest, diligent, very comfortable and colleague relationship, and be promoted to do the captain, shortly after induction during her do the captain has never been a customer complaint. Now, as the outstanding employees of the restaurant, tension work more serious, responsible, hard. Has set an example for all of your colleagues. Pay has won, he was rated as excellent employees, this restaurant and enjoy big bonuses. Although to some extent, so talented staff will set foot on the road of study abroad is I the loss of the restaurant, but considering his future, I am still not hesitate to support him to your university for further study. Sincerely hope your school can also support him, give him a chance to improve their dreams
第3个回答  2013-12-29
Hello, I am XXX, 99, the owner of the restaurant. That restaurant is excellent employee tension want to go abroad for further study, I am very pleased and gratified. Such a progress of young people should have a more brilliant future for higher education. Therefore, I am honored to strongly recommend this excellent school youth. She graduated from high school came to my restaurant when the waiter, she is serious, hard-working, and the relationship between colleagues get along very well, into the post was soon promoted to foreman, during her captain, there has never been a customer complaint. Now, as the outstanding staff restaurant, tension work seriously, responsible, hard. Set an example for all my colleagues. Effort to get, so he was named the restaurant employees, and enjoy the bonuses. Although to some extent, so the outstanding staff will be on the road is my study in the restaurant's losses, but considering his future, I am still not hesitate to support his studies went to your school. Sincerely hope that your school will also support him, to give him a chance to improve their dreams