高分求翻译 汉译英


第1个回答  2007-06-20
救死扶伤 :Saves from impending death assists the wounded (或者Help the wounded )
四书五经:Four Books and Five Classics
劳动模范:Labor models
智囊团:Brain trust
绝唱:Pinnacle of poetic creation
第2个回答  2007-06-20
1.救死扶伤 :Saves from impending death assists the wounded (或者Help the wounded )
2.四书五经:Four Books and Five Classics
3.劳动模范:Labor models
4.智囊团:Brain trust
5.绝唱:Pinnacle of poetic creation
第3个回答  2007-06-20
1 help the wounded
2 the Four Books and Five Classics
(that is, "the Great Learning" ,"the Doctrine of the Mean" ,"the Analects of Confucius ","Mencius",
"The Book of Songs","The Book of History","The Book of Changes",
"The Book of Rites" and "The Spring and Autumn Annals ")
3 model workers
4 think tank
5 masterpiece
第4个回答  2007-06-20
1. Saves from impending death assists the wounded
2. Four books and five classics
3. Model labor
4. Brain trust
5. Pinnacle of poetic creation
第5个回答  2007-06-20
1.heal the wounded and rescue the dying
2.Four books Five Classics
3.model worker's
4.mastermind alliance
5.the peak of perfection