
本人要参加一个面试,但是自己的英语不是很好,这些题感觉写的不好,麻烦各位达人帮忙改一下,英文不好的童鞋,请手下留情,毕竟要在面试上用的,感谢! :)
1.what personality traits do you admire?
I admire hardworking and responsible personality traits.好像这样回答不对,错误的话,怎么改?
2.with patience/patient and responsible/responsibility,I can do it well.这里的with后面跟形容词还是名词?我这样写对么?
3.How do you evaluate your boss?这里的回答,大家感觉怎样,如果不好,麻烦再帮我润色一下,感谢!
回答:我所有的老板都很好,特别是我的hotel boss,他是一个博学的人,教会了我很多。在他们的公司工作,我感到很荣幸。
翻译:All my bosses are very good.Especially my hotel boss,who is a wise man,tought me a lot.I'm very honor to work in their companies.
5.Have you got any achievement or received any honor in the company?
I was born in jiangsu nanjing.
这两种情况,如何区分?能否举例说明? 例如:How do you evaluate your boss?这个问题指的是哪种情况?另外的一种情况如何提问?
第六题,可不可以这样翻译: I was born in jiangsu city, nanjing province.

1.what personality traits do you admire?
I admire hardworking and responsible personality traits.这样回答并不通顺,可以这么说:
I admire people who are hardworking and responsible. (我欣赏....的人) 这种说法会更自然。

2.with patience/patient and responsible/responsibility,I can do it well.这里的with后面跟形容词还是名词?
Being patient and responsible, I can do it well.

3.How do you evaluate your boss? 回答:我所有的老板都很好,特别是我的hotel boss,他是一个博学的人,教会了我很多。在他们的公司工作,我感到很荣幸。
略有修改即可: All my bosses are very kind, especially my hotel boss. He is a wise man and taught me a lot. I'm honored to work in his company. ...你这样说了以后,面试官会不会问“那你为什么还会离开那家公司”?


My colleagues and I held a personal concert in the Great Hall of the People, and I was involved in most of the preparation work. The concert was very successful.

5.Have you got any achievement or received any honor in the company?

I was born in jiangsu nanjing.
I was born in Nanjing, Jiangsu.

这两种情况,如何区分?能否举例说明? 例如:How do you evaluate your boss?这个问题指的是哪种情况?另外的一种情况如何提问?
How do you evaluate your boss?意思比较含糊,理论上两种意思都可以的。但是,如果是让你评价你过去的老板,应该会说清楚: How do you evaluate your former boss? 或者更直接地,What is your opinion about your former boss?
所以说即使碰到这样的问题,估计出题者的原意还是要问你评判的标准,所以还是按照“我认为...的老板是好老板”,或者“我理想的老板是...”,或者“我会根据老板对员工的态度,专业程度什么什么的....来评判” 就好了。

第六题,可不可以这样翻译: I was born in jiangsu city, nanjing province.
我猜想你想说的大概是“I was born in Nanjing city, JIangsu Province”? 这样的说法是可以的,但是让我来说的话,会连在一起说: I was born in the city of Nanjing in Jiangsu Province.
第1个回答  2011-06-20
第一题,如果你要保留你的原答案的句式的话,应该改改,hardworking , responsible都是形容词,问句中的personality traits最好用名词形式,推荐用conscientiousness and responsibility。后面的personality traits可以去掉,直接回答I admire conscientiousness and responsibility。
第二题,with后面多数跟名词,我不知道你这是想表达什么意思,是说“凭借耐心和责任心我能把它做好”么?如果是,我建议你说 I can do it well based on my patience and responsibility.
第三题,如果你写出来的是原问题,那它想问的是你如何去评价你的老板,问的是你的评价的标准,如果是想让你评价你的老板它会说Please evaluate your boss.
第四题,my workmates and I held someone's concert in Great Hall of the People. I participated in most of preparation. And it is a great success.最好不要用big,显得汉语气息太重。
第六,英文中地址是从小到大说的,你把南京放前面,后面接Jiangsu province。
第2个回答  2011-07-04
1.回答这个问题,比较好的是从一个描述真人真实的任务属性去讲,比如:I admire someone who is hardworking, responsible, reliable and really paying attention to details. 这样的话你可以用更多实际的简单但有效的词汇,而不是一味的用复杂高端词汇,却不能在面试的交谈中叫面试官觉得舒服,觉得真实发自临场的反应(有点早先预备,背答案之嫌)
2.I am confident that I can achieve that goal with my patience and sense of responsibility.(不要说do it well,这样不对,很别扭)
3.一般被雇佣的人不要直接用BOSS 称呼自己的老板或上级: All my previous supervisors (或superiors) are excellent (这里说老板好,是哪方面的好,一般时说到他在工作上的好,或者人很好,nice, 或者很专业professional.), especially my hotel manager, who is very knowledgeable and kind, and has taught me a lot of things. (此处你拼写错误)。 I am so pleased to work for the company. (honor 不是用在这样的场合,而是用在荣誉方面,而且起码也要被动式honored。)
4. My colleagues and I organised a concert for xxxx(某人的名字,如果是个名人,这样就表示是一个他的音乐会,或影评会)in the People's hall. I was much involved in the preparation, and it was a hit (或者就简单的说it was very successful)
5.你就列举自己的荣誉和奖励 I was xxxxxx, I have been give a xxxxx prize for my outstanding performance in xxxxxxx.
6.I was born in Nanjing city, Jiangsu Province.

第3个回答  2011-06-20
1. Hardworking and responsibility are two traits that I admire most .
2. With后面接名词。这样写是可以的
3. Hotel Boss是什么意思?I am lucky to meet very good bosses in my company and we have good relationships. My Hotel boss is a wise man and he tought me a lot. I feel hornored working with him.
4. 这个实例是体现你的组织能力和团队协作能力。可以这么翻译:
My Colleage and I hold a very successful concert for a hot star in the Great Hall of the People . I participated in most of the preparing work and we had wonderful teamwork.
5. 这个照实回答。I have achieved **(奖励,比如Top Sales之类) in the company
6. I was born in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province.
第4个回答  2011-06-20
1.what personality traits do you admire?
A: I admire diligence and the sense of responsibility.
2.With patience and responsibility, I can do it well.(with 后面要加名词或动名词)
3.答案不错,我写个我的版本~ All of my bosses are warm-hearted and helpful to me, especially the hotel boss I worked with before. He is a talented and knowlegeble man who has taught me plenty of things by behavior as well as words. I feel greatly honored to have worked with him.
(问一下,看到问题上面说的是 How do you evaluate your boss? 你确定这个是问以前的boss 的吗 ?还是问现在你如何来评价老板呢 ,就是说,其实是问你什么样的老板才是比较好的)
4.My colleagues and I have organized a concert in the Great Hall of People which is a private one of XXX. I took part in most of the preparations beforehand. And the concert itself was a big success.
6.不对,可以这样翻译~ I was born in the city of Nanjing, Jiangsu Province.
