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Britain is the birthplace of the world capitalism, but also the first industrial revolution, was in the country in the world to build an economic, political and military supremacy, known as the "day falls empire". Although since the second world war ii began to decline, but British power consciousness is strong, and the British still reserve the island nation's characteristics, more conservative and inside collect, plus a constitutional monarchy system has a long history, the British special emphasis on form interests and methodical, and proud and reserved, especially men give a person with a gentleman feeling.
British buyers hot spot and way to deal with the main below.

(1) calm poise, confidence, inside collect, pay attention to the etiquette, advocating a gentleman. British businessmen chic, abide by the general social morality, have comity spirit, and, they also very concerned about each other's culture and poise, if you can in the negotiations in show good breeding and poise, will soon won their respect for negotiations, success lay a good foundation. The British gentleman poise often make their negotiators self image positioning constraints by this, if we in negotiations with solid evidence, rational powerful argument to put pressure on will be encouraged British negotiators for worry lose face and to give up its not reasonable position to obtain good effect of negotiations.
(2) like step-by-step, special order and order value step by step. So the Chinese suppliers and the British when doing business, we must pay special attention to trial order or sample single quality, because this is the British investigation supplier prerequisites. If our trial order or sample single can well satisfy the requirements of the British buyers, they will gradually to supplier more chance of order more, conversely, if the first written orders not to reach the requirements, the English people usually won't want to continue to work together.

The Chinese have a supplier will meet thought that Britain buyer, in order to have a 100 items trial order back three times, there by plane from Britain to guangzhou to examine the supplier's factory production conditions, watching in the entire manufacturing process and product production out, rest assured, and finally asked the suppliers in the process in the future to produce big goods. The order, after British buyers will never again to see the goods, because he feel the suppliers' production process has comply with its requirements, so after as long as according to the fixed steps to production.
(3) note that British the nature of the buyers. Many Chinese suppliers often in the trade fair met some British buyers exchange business CARDS, found the top write the address is "London maru", downing street x buyers live in a big city city centre, but a look at the British, and is not Anglo-Saxon white, but African or Asian descent, and a conversation will find each other also not is what big buyers, so disappointed. Britain is actually multinational country, and many British big buyers do not live in the city, because some with a long history, the traditional family enterprise (such as shoes, leather industry etc) properties of British origin people, probably live in some manor village, and even the castle, inside, so their purpose is usually such as "slice rumsfeld", "Sheffield" "phil DE (field)" for the suffix place. So it need more attention and living in the country manor in the inside of the African people British may very well be big buyers.
第1个回答  2011-06-26
额 去谷歌翻译吧,当然,前提是你语法好,会修改。