

Dear pen pal,

I am so glad to hear that you are planning on learning Chinese! You also mentioned that you are worried because you heard that Chinese is interesting but also really hard. You know what? Don't worry! Because I'm definitely going to help you and I promise you that Chinese worths the hard works. As a beginner, it is really important that you go buy the right dictionaryies because they will be guiding you through the language. My suggestions are "No.1 Chinese Dictionary" and "Xinhua Dictionary", because these two are the ones that I use and they are absolutely helpful. You can probably get it in book stores in your country, so go get them now and start learning Chinese! Have fun and you can always forward any concerns.


第1个回答  2011-01-26
Dear Friend,

I'd like to recommend two dictionaries to you ,they could be very helpful to you for studying Chinese.

Hope you master the language very soon.

Dear pen pal,

I am so glad to hear that you are planning on learning Chinese! You also mentioned that you are worried because you heard that Chinese is interesting but also really hard. You know what? Don't worry! Because I'm definitely going to help you and I promise you that Chinese worths the hard works. As a beginner, it is really important that you go buy the right dictionaryies because they will be guiding you through the language. My suggestions are "No.1 Chinese Dictionary" and "Xinhua Dictionary", because these two are the ones that I use and they are absolutely helpful. You can probably get it in book stores in your country, so go get them now and start learning Chinese! Have fun and you can always forward any concerns.


第2个回答  2011-01-26
退避三舍 洛阳纸贵 草木皆兵 按图索骥 后来居上 邯郸学步 守株待兔
如火如荼 望梅止渴 探骊得珠 望洋兴叹 掩耳盗铃 桃李不言,下自成蹊
请君入瓮 高山流水 胸有成竹 唇亡齿寒 闻鸡起舞 指鹿为马 不寒而栗
不学无术 鸡鸣狗盗 势如破竹 枕戈待旦 抱薪救火 梁上君子 脱颖而出
嗟来之食 塞翁失马,焉知非福 精卫填海 靡靡三音 入木三分 八仙过海
人琴俱亡 三令五申 下逐客令 门可罗雀 寸草春辉 天衣无缝 不名一钱
未雨绸缪 出尔反尔 乐极生悲 乐不思蜀 礼贤下士 对牛弹琴 曲高和寡
只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯 囫囵吞枣 投笔从戎 敝帚自珍 余音绕梁
杯弓蛇影 画龙点晴 夜郎自大 盲人摸象 庖丁解牛 吐哺握气 夸父逐日
抛砖引玉 围魏救赵 过门不入 曲突徙薪 投鞭断流 为虎作伥 一衣带水
推敲 车载斗量 分道扬镳 开卷有益 天经地义 井底之蛙 马革裹尸对我有帮助
第3个回答  2011-01-26
Dear Friend,

I'd like to recommend two dictionaries to you ,they could be very helpful to you for studying Chinese.

Hope you master the language very soon.