

Through learning the course of cross-cultural communication , I learn the outlook, values, speech ACTS of cultural features and non-verbal communication aspects of knowledge better . Meanwhile, It makes me to understand some of the difference between foreign culture and international cultural existence . Thus, deepening the understanding of its culture, grasping the cross-cultural awareness, better that I learn with people of many different cultures communicate communication skills and improve the professional knowledge application ability.
第1个回答  2011-01-14
Through to the cross-cultural communication learning this course of study, let me better learning the outlook, values, speech ACTS of cultural features and non-verbal communication aspects of knowledge. Meanwhile make me understand some of the foreign culture and international cultural existence difference. Thus deepening the understanding of its culture, grasp the cross-cultural awareness, better that I learn with people of many different cultures communicate communication skills and improve their professional knowledge application ability.
第2个回答  2011-01-14



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第3个回答  2011-01-14