急求~~~~~~ 一篇初一的关于天气预报的英语作文 {单词,句子要正确}


Weather Forecast
A cold front is swinging in from Canada while a warm front is moving up from the Pacific. Meanwhile, precipitation is developing in the southern part of the state while strong wind is moving down from the north. There could be 3 to 5 inches of snow on Thursday or Friday if it gets cold enough. Otherwise there could be havey rain. Yet there still exists the possibility that the coulds may be pushed out by wind well before then. So frankly we have no idea whatsoever on what the weather will be like next week.

时间 天气情况 温度
今天晚上 有雨,部分地区有大雨 2~9
明天上午 有云,风向偏东,风力不大 9~12
明天下午 晴天 12~16
第1个回答  2013-10-25
Welcome to listen today's Weather Forecast!I am a weather reporter from CCTV.
It will be fine tomorrow,there will be wind in the afternoon,
the temperature is 10 degree below
the zero.Hope you will have a happy day tomorrow.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-10-25
Ladies and genltmen,let me tell you what will the weather be like omorrow.There is going to be a strong rain in Chongqing tomorrow.You should take yourumbrella.In Shenzhen,it will be very hot.You should wear cool clothes. And It will be very cold in Beijing.Well,that is about all the news i have for now.Good bye!See you tomorrow!