

As is known to all, how young independent adult has always been a serious problem.First of all, teenagers in adult road encounter a lot of bad temptation, it is easy to make some bad friends, bad for their physical and mental development.So teenagers admit that is the first thing to learn to make friends, to recognize who is your true friend.As an old saying goes, "when you're up your friends will know you, when you're down you know who is your friend."Second, teenagers in the path of growth has been led by the help of parents and family, so it is easy to lead to self-care ability, so teenagers want to learn to provide for oneself independently, so as to achieve independence.More importantly, the teenagers in the way of growth will inevitably encounter twists and turns, there are a lot of teenagers will be deterred by difficulties, so learn to recognize the setback to the down the yong, it is very important.The so-called successful people will take failure as a stepping stone to success. That is the reason whyFinally, to win without pride excepting is independent of the key to success.

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