Bob:Hey,
Amy,It's
great
to
see
you.你好,艾米。很高兴见到你!
Amy:HI,Bob.
How
are
you?嗨,鲍勃。你好吗?
Bob:Fine.How,
you've
changed!嗯,还不错。你变化真大呀!
Amy:Really?
How?是吗?哪变了?
Bob:Well,
you
used
to
have
short
hair.呃,你以前是短发的,现在是长发了。
Amy:You
remember
that?
Yes,
did.你还记得呀,对呀,我以前是短发的。
Bob:And
you
used
to
be
really
tall!你以前很高的.
Amy:Not
any
more.
you're
taller
than
me
now,Bob.对呀,现在不是了,鲍勃你现在都比我高了。
Tina:Hiya,Bob.是呀
Bob:HI,
Tina.
You've
changed
too.你好,Tina。你也变化了不少。
TIna:oh,yeah?哦!是吗?
Bob:You
have
blonde
hair!你的头发染成棕色了。
Tina:Yeah,it
used
to
be
red,
didn't
it?是的,以前是红色的。
Bob:And
it's
straight!而且你现在的头发直直的。
Tina:It
used
to
be
curly.
嗯,我以前的头发是卷的。
希望对你有帮助!!!
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