
Hello, today we’ll talk about the differences between the terms robbery, burglary, theft and larceny. All of these are takings, but they are distinguished by the means, the methods and the victims of these takings.
We will start with theft and larceny. These two words are synonymous and they refer to the simple taking of anything of value with an intent to permanently deprive the owner, that is an intent to keep whatever you've stolen. Common examples of theft and larceny are, for instance, shoplifting, taking something from a store. And there are several degrees of theft and larceny. Unlike in other crimes when we talk about first degree, second degree, third degree to explain the seriousness of the crime, usually when we talk about theft and larceny we talk about grand larceny or petty theft and the difference between a grand and a petty crime when it comes to theft and larceny is usually about five hundred American dollars depending on the jurisdiction. So, for instance, if you steal a few paperback books from a bookstore you will probably be charged with petty larceny. However, if you steal a car from an open public parking lot you will probably be charged with grand larceny, otherwise known as grand theft auto.
Now if we add another element to the taking crime, if we add the element of an unlawful entry, then you get a burglary, and unlawful entry is sometimes called breaking and entering or housebreaking, but it is also an element of a burglary and when you burgle, as you would do in British English, or burglarize a premises, it means you have entered that premises to take something or to otherwise commit another crime.
Now the last one on our list, robbery, which is often deemed to be the most serious, is a foreceable stealing from a person. This time we're adding a person. In the previous examples, we stole a car from an open parking lot, no people there. We stole books from a store, there might have been people around, but we didn't do the taking from a person. Now we are actually adding real or threatened physical force.








第1个回答  2011-01-05
今天我们谈谈抢劫,盗窃, 偷窃和小偷小摸这几个词的区别。 这些词都是指取不义之财, 不过他们的区别在于他们的手段, 方法和受害人的不同。

先说说偷窃和小偷小摸。 这两个是同义词, 专指从本来的所有者那儿拿走了有价值的东西, 而且不打算还回去。 常见的例子有,商店里的顺手牵羊。 偷窃和小偷小摸也分不同的程度。 一般的罪行的程度是用一级, 二级, 三级来定义罪行的严重程度, 而在说到偷窃的时候我们根据涉案金额的大小分大偷和小偷。不同地区有不同的金额规定。 通常五百美元是条线。 所以, 举例子来说, 如果你从书店偷了几本软皮书,你可能会被以小偷的罪名起诉。 可是如果你从公共停车场偷了一辆汽车, 你会被以大偷的罪名起诉, 也就是我们经常听到了, 大偷车贼。

现在我们再在罪行里引入一个非法入侵因素 , 就是盗窃了。 非法入侵有时也被叫做破门而入或是强闯民宅, 不过它是盗窃的一个特征。 当说一个人盗窃的时候, 是说这个人进入了一个屋子去偷东西或是干坏事。

我们单子上最后一个词是抢劫。 抢劫一般被认为是最严重的。 是指有预谋的以某个人为对象偷窃。 这里我们又加了一个因素就是人。 在刚才的例子里, 在停车场偷车, 那里是没人的,在书店里偷书, 可能店里有其他人, 但不是从某个人身上偷东西。 这个罪行里我们真正就涉及到了对人身安全的伤害或至少是威胁。
第2个回答  2011-01-06
第3个回答  2011-01-05