
关于这个主题,提出4个英语问题并回答!!!! 帮帮忙~~~~~ 紧急。。。期末作业要不挂科了~~~~
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A:Which is more important, competition or friendship between friends?

B:I think friendship is more important. We should not destroy the friendship between two people because of competition.

A:Do you often compete with your friends?

B:This depends on the situation. Sometimes, sometimes not.

A:Why do you think friendship is more important than competition?

B:Because friendship is hard won, you can find others if you compete.

A:What do you do when you are better than your friends in some way?

B:I'll slow down and wait for him. We'll rush forward together.









第1个回答  2011-01-03
1How can we balance the connections between competitions and friendships?
2The competitions are the barriers to frendships.Do you agree with the opinion?
3How can we combine the competitions with friendships together in our learning process?
4Whether the competitions will ture a friend into a stranger or not?
Competition and Friendship

Competition is common in every field of life.There is competition for sports,for jobs,for studies and so on.The modern society is highly competition. In a certain way, competition mobilizes people’s initiative in work as well as in study.it also can cause people to work hard so as to keep up with the great change with each passing day in our society.

But everything has two sides.Competition has its negative function,too.It brings about strife and conflict between people.What’s more,sometimes it can affect the friendship,as we can see if we look for a moment at the track and field meet.Suppose you and your best friend both take part in the 400-metre race.Before you finish the race,near the finishing line,your friend suddenly falls down.At the time,what should you do?You have two choices.One is that you do not care what happen and go ahead and then you will be the champion.The other is that you stop to help your friend,and then you will lose the game.

Therefore,there is a problem relating to the handling of the relation between competition and friendship.

Friendship is the basic need of human beings.Everyone needs friendship.Thus it is not merely true,as frequently noted,that no one can sail the ocean of life singlehanded.

As far as I am concerned,I think friendship is more important than competition and the loss of friendship means the loss of everything.Friends can support us and help us out of difficulties.So,if I were in the race,I would stop to help my friend without hesitation.

Competition will help society go forward,and friendship can make life happy and harmonious.So,while we advocate competition,we should not forget friendship.本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第2个回答  2011-01-03
1 Which is more important, competition or friendship?
2 Should we fight with a friend to win?
3 Competion makes the world tired of emotions, especially for friends. Do you agree?