

My hometown is Changle,it's a really interesting city with a very colorful history.我家乡是长乐,它是一个拥有着十分灿烂历史的城市。Long long ago,here is really beautiful,the sky is blue ,the river is clean and the trees are green .很久以前,这里十分秀丽,天空是蓝蓝的,河流清澈,树木苍翠。But now ,becase of the more and more factories ,the natrue was polluted.但是现在,由于越来越多的工厂,自然环境受到了破坏。The sky wasen't blue anymore,the river became dirty and there was fewer and fewer trees.天空不再蓝,河水变的脏了,这里的植物也越来越少。So ,the people in my hometown felt very sad.因此,我家乡的人们感觉十分悲伤。We all want to have a beatiful environment .Includes clean air ,clean river!我们都希望拥有一个美丽的环境。包括干净的空气及水。However,what should we do?然而,我们应该怎么做呢?So ,we must protect the natrue.We shoulden't throw wastes in the river or on the road.所以,我们必须保护大自然。不能往水里或路上扔垃圾。Of couse ,we also shuld ask a part of the so many factories to move to other areas.当然了,我们也必须要求那么多的其中一部分的工厂搬离到其他地区。After that we should plant more trees,clean the road and the river.在这之后,我们应该种更多的树,疏浚河流还要打扫公路。In my opionion ,as a intellectual,we also should tell other people to protect our hometown!在我看来,作为一个知识分子,我们还学要告诉其他人一起来保护环境。I hope our city could be more and more beautiful!The sky could be blue again,the river cluld be clean again ,the trees could be green again!我希望我们的城市可以变得越来越美!天空可以重新变蓝,河流可以重新变得清澈,树木可以重新变得苍翠欲滴!PS :妈呀,400字呀,可能还没到,你就对于你们家乡原先的美丽景色再添油加醋一下,实在不行QQ上问我好啦。
第1个回答  2021-12-01
The protection of their own home, from the little things, to develop good habits, do not litter, fruit peel, only their own form good habits, to urge others. Don't mess over valve trees, we as 90, we have the responsibility to protect the homeland, building good! I think we should start from childhood, from now on. I want to and partners including environmental protection team, regularly picking up trash. We want to put the garbage treatment, like potatoes, cabbage leaves, leaves...... We have to concentrate on this kind of garbage, landfill, waste into fertilizer, as well as dirty paper, plastic bags... I took them to the remote areas, we have to burn them; as well as the fee of iron, beer bottles, cardboard... This class we put it into the garbage disposal, reuse. In life, we propose to minimize the use of disposable chopsticks, save water and electricity, go out as far as possible on foot, or riding a bike, it is best not to open the motor vehicle. We also need to develop new sources of energy, as much as possible the use of solar, wind and other clean energy, advocating low-carbon life. So that the air will be better home, the home of the mountains will be more green, the sky will be more blue, people living here will be more healthy, more happy. Love my hometown, protect the environment, start from me, from now on.
第2个回答  2022-06-25
my hometown是要求你写你家乡的变化,过去、现在和将来的情况。而你写的却是为故乡做贡献。若作文满分是25分,你的作文若词句、句子关联都无误的话,会扣你8-10分。若错误较多,那就另当别论了。 ...
第3个回答  2022-06-28
My hometown is Changle,it's a really interesting city with a very colorful history.我家乡是长乐,它是一个拥有着十分灿烂历史的城市。Long long ago,here is really beautiful,the sky is blue ,the river is clean and the trees are green .很久以前,这里十分秀丽,天空是蓝蓝的,河流清澈,树木苍翠。But now ,becase of the more and more factories ,the natrue was polluted.但是现在,由于越来越多的工厂,自然环境受到了破坏。The sky wasen't blue anymore,the river became dirty and there was fewer and fewer trees.天空不再蓝,河水变的脏了,这里的植物也越来越少。So ,the people in my hometown felt very sad.因此,我家乡的人们感觉十分悲伤。We all want to have a beatiful environment .Includes clean air ,clean river!我们都希望拥有一个美丽的环境。包括干净的空气及水。However,what should we do?然而,我们应该怎么做呢?So ,we must protect the natrue.We shoulden't throw wastes in the river or on the road.所以,我们必须保护大自然。不能往水里或路上扔垃圾。Of couse ,we also shuld ask a part of the so many factories to move to other areas.当然了,我们也必须要求那么多的其中一部分的工厂搬离到其他地区。After that we should plant more trees,clean the road and the river.在这之后,我们应该种更多的树,疏浚河流还要打扫公路。In my opionion ,as a intellectual,we also should tell other people to protect our hometown!在我看来,作为一个知识分子,我们还学要告诉其他人一起来保护环境。I hope our city could be more and more beautiful!The sky could be blue again,the river cluld be clean again ,the trees could be green again!我希望我们的城市可以变得越来越美!天空可以重新变蓝,河流可以重新变得清澈,树木可以重新变得苍翠欲滴!PS :妈呀,400字呀,可能还没到,你就对于你们家乡原先的美丽景色再添油加醋一下,实在不行QQ上问我好啦。