
Call me a killjoy, but when New Year rolls around, I account it high time to get golfing. It's not that I don't like having firecrackers thrown at me or being made to hand out cash-stuffed envelopes. There is a perverse thrill/sense-of-grating-fulfilment associated with each.

My chief gripe concerns the seething mass of humanity. Not even my own living room is protected against crowds, noise and billows of second-hand smoke. The fairways represent the only sanctuary I know.

So it was that I found myself striding down the 14th hole of my nearest course, a 418-yard Par 4 with trees to the right, green-side bunkers and barely a crowd-control marshal in sight. Peace and quiet was finally mine. That was until the caddy began screaming.

Apparently the signs warning players to "Beware of Snake" had not been a joke as the mythical beast had materialized before us. Anyone unfortunate enough to hear the girl's howls would have concluded that the "snake" was an anaconda with giant fangs and an ability to fly and not as was the case a 12-inch tiddler idling across the grass.

But someone did hear the screams and form this very same impression, for a knight in shining armor and a "marshal" cap on his head now appeared on the horizon. Imploring his electric buggy to greater and greater feats of speed, he veered onto the fairway and charged towards the scene of terror in a peculiar zigzag angle of attack.

Given the marshal's inability to remain on a linear course, it was especially courageous of him to decide to save us by running the creature over.

What steely nerves he possessed to remain cool as the snake disappeared under his tires, only to emerge virtually unharmed! How few would have had the presence of mind to remedy this impotency by running it over again, this time using reverse! And how many former saviors of women and children would then have had the courage to step down and engage the half-flattened snake in hand-to-hand combat!

With wooden stick in hand, the marshal gallantly beat the beast until its tail could spasm no more and the caddy's screaming had abated. With the carcass squeezed dry, the marshal formed a pincer with thumb and forefinger and dropped the leftovers into a bag before re-mounting his buggy, winking at us and disappearing into the distance.

While the caddy swooned, I lamented my latest failure to secure some New Year respite. Judging by the twinkle in the marshal's eye (and his Cantonese extraction), I began to suspect that his victim would likely spend 2007 contributing to the slow fermentation of a jar of homemade snake wine.

And thus, my resolution for the next New Year was conceived. I pledge to spend the week blind drunk on she jiu (snake wine). Not only will I be oblivious to the crowds, firecrackers and requests for "lucky money", I may also have the comfort of knowing my reptilian friend didn't die in vain.

认为我是一个扫兴的人、但是当新年在附近卷的时候, 我解释它适当时机拿高尔夫球. 它不是我不喜欢在我丢爆竹或者被做给予现金装填的信封. 有一阵乖张的震颤/ 感觉--因测量原因放置于阴极射线管前的校正幕-以每个联合的实践.

我的主要抱怨与人性的沸腾块有关. 不是甚至我自己的客厅被保护对抗二手货烟的群众、噪音和巨浪. 航路表现我知道的唯一庇护所.

因此它是我发现我自己迈大步走下来我最近的课程第 14 个洞, 418 码标准 4 用对正确又绿色-边燃料库的树和几乎不能在视力中的一个群众-控制的陆空军高级将官. 和平和安静最后我的. 那直到小盒子开始尖叫.

显然地告示警告的运动员到 " 当心蛇 " 不是一个笑话当神话的畜牲在我们之前赋与实质. 任何人不幸的充足听到女孩的吠声会总结 " 蛇 " 用庞大的尖牙和一种能力是 anaconda 飞和不当是情形在整个草不作事的 12 寸 tiddler 之时.

但是某人确实听到尖叫声而且形成这同印象, 为在光亮的盔甲和一顶 " 陆空军高级将官 " 无边帽的一个骑士在现在即将被出现的他头上. 恳求的对速度的越来越棒壮举的他电双轮单座的轻马车, 他在航路之上改变方向而且向在一个攻击的奇特曲折角度中的恐怖现场索取.

被给陆空军高级将官的无能留在线的课程上, 它他尤其勇敢决定藉由辗过人解救我们.

他持有多么钢铁的神经啊当蛇在他的轮带之下消失了,保持很凉爽, 不料竟会浮现事实上没有受伤! 少数的如何会有思想的出现藉由再辗过它治疗这一 impotency, 这次使用相反! 而且多少然后女人的前救助者和孩子会有勇气辞职而且答应一半-在极近接的战斗中将蛇变平!

藉由手的木制根,陆空军高级将官漂亮地直到它的尾部打畜牲,抽筋没有更多和小盒子尖叫可以缓和吗. 藉由被紧握干的尸体,陆空军高级将官用拇指和食指形成了 pincer 而且在再装他的双轮单座的轻马车, 在我们眨眼以及进入距离之内消失之前降低剩货进入一个袋子.

小盒子昏晕了, 我哀悼了我最新失败保护一些新年延期. 在陆空军高级将官的眼睛 (和他的广东话抽出) 中藉着闪烁判断, 我开始怀疑他的受害人会或许花费 2007 成为自制蛇酒的广口瓶的慢发酵的因素.

而且因此, 对于下新年的我决议被构思了. 我保证度过在她之上被喝 jiu 的星期盲人 (蛇酒). 不只有意志我对群众、爆竹和的请求 " 吉利钱 " 是易忘的, 我也可能有知道我的爬虫类朋友的安慰徒然没有死.
第1个回答  2007-03-01