

第1个回答  2013-10-29
从百度复制来的 (drumroll) (rousing orchestral fanfare playing) (birds squawking) (wind blowing) (grand, royal orchestral theme playing) Once upon a time, in an English castle far, far away, there lived a pampered personage by the name of... - (yawning) ...Prince. (bell ringing) All right, everyone, he's awake. Hurry! Hurry! Come along, quickly. Right, are we all ready? Get the Carlyle log. Prince knew no other life than a life of luxury. Oh, did I mention that Prince was a cat? Good morning, Prince. (yawning, groaning) Your tea. (British accent): Mm-hmm-hmm! Breakie. I have your favorite dish. Carlyle log. Ah, lovely. (slurping, smacking) (moaning) (chuckling) Super. Oh, it's good to be the king. On the other side of the world, there lived an equally pampered cat who thought he was a king, but who ruled over a somewhat smaller domain. Meow. (grunting) I'm the king of the cul-de-sac. That's what I'm talking about. Jon and I have everything I could ever want. Food in the fridge. Cable and satellite. And don't forget lasagna. That's right. It's good to be king. I want you to know, you're the most important thing in my life. Let me sleep, please. Before I met you, my life had no meaning. I was incomplete. Oh, you still are, really. I guess what I'm trying to say is... ...will you marry me? Eh? Marriage? Well, this is kind of sudden. There may be some legal issues here. Look, I like you, but not as a spouse. Maybe as a servant, we could stay together, make it work. So what do you say... Liz? - Wait a second. Liz? Liz? - Garfield. Liz is a girl. No, worse. She's a girl vet. - (bell dings) - Turkey's ready. Well, I think Jon has touched bottom now. Hmm, we gotta put an end to this torture. (romantic music playing) Time for a new DJ. (stereo blasts) (singing) Somebody take my temperature. Garfield! (stutters) Whoa! Man, you have changed. I can't have you messing this up for me, okay? - Oh, I get it. It's her. - Come here. She doesn't like our music. Whatever happened toJon? - My metal-head guy. My dude. - (doorbell chimes) You were so much cooler when you wore a mullet. Now stay here. - So much cooler. - (doorbell chimes) I suppose she likes this haircut. I suppose she likes this haircut. - Coming! - Tell me she likes it the way it is now. - Hey, Liz. - Jon, I have incredible news. Guess who's going to be speaking at this year's fund-raiser for the Royal Animal Conservancy. Siegfried and Roy? -Oh, come on. - Just Siegfried? ane Goodall dropped out at the last minute because she's nursing a sick chimp and they asked me. I mean, it's gonna be at this really cool castle on a huge estate. Well, Liz, that-that's... I am flying to London tomorrow morning. Can you believe it? - What? I mean, I have to pack, and... Oh, are these rose petals and candles? Yeah, well, Liz, I have some... some important news of-of-of my own. Uh... GARFI ELD: Hey, me, too. clears throat) Excuse me, do you believe in love at first sight? I was hoping you'd say yes. You have made me so very, very cat-happy. - Uh... - Well, come on. - What's the news? - The news is, I, uh... I finally house-trained Odie. - Really? - Yeah. That would explain the rose petals. I have to pack. I'm so sorry about dinner. But you know what? I will send your regards to the queen. Okay, congratulations on Odie. Oh, oh, yeah. And, hey, you, too. They're lucky to have you. kisses) Bye. Oh, I thought she'd never leave. Garfield, you ate the whole turkey? Well, yeah. What are you doing with this? Oh, never mind. It's too late. She's already off to... (belches) Ooh! Good stuffing. Well, come on, cheer up. I saved you the wishbone. - There's nothing I can do. Sure there is. Return the ring and get your money back. Wait a minute. I'll go to London. - Oh, you poor sap. - She'll love it. - She'll be surprised. - Please don't do this. - She'll be thrilled. - Tell me you're not gonna do this. - She'll say yes. - Please, don't. I gotta go pack. You moron. This is a huge mistake, Jon. One of your biggest. Don't roam. Stay home. Odie and I are not just coming along for the ride, pal. This is actually an intervention. JON: Okay, guys. Here we are. (yawning): Oh, quick flight. We must have been in the jet stream. England is no great shakes, huh? I mean, the buildings here look like, uh, the kennel back home. That is the kennel back home. They'll never take me alive. They're gonna be fine, Jon. Yeah, yeah. Garfield's never stayed in a kennel before, so I'm afraid he might have some separation anxiety. No. He's probably fast asleep in his cage by now. You hear me, warden?! I have the right to remain silent! Anything I say can and will be held against me in a court of law! And I have the right to an attorney, too, pal! And if I can't afford one, one must be provided for me by the court! Never mind! I just broke out. He likes a belly rub twice a day. And, oh, if you could give him a pan of lasagna between each meal, that would be great. Oh, almost forgot Pooky. Can't be without Pooky. (barks) Oh, great. Just when things were looking up. Look, why don't you stay here and get your fleas removed, maybe get a brain transplant? (barks) Okay, go away. Beat it. Hide beneath the wheels. Agh! You're ripping my fur!
参考资料: http://hi.baidu.com/lisabeacon/blog/item/364dcede5c4b525694ee3780.html