

What is more valuable for a student, knowledge or abilities? People seem to have different opinions about this issue. Some people think that knowledge learning is the most important thing for a student, while others holds that the most needed for a student is the cultivation of abilities. In my opinion, both are important and neither is to be neglected. However, considering the present situation of education in China, I think more importance should be attached to the latter.
In China, it has been the tradition of pay too much attention to knowledge learning while neglecting the development of abilities. Students are asked to remember a lot of things, many of which they even don't understand at all. Chinese students may know a lot of things, but they often lack the abilities to use the knowledge they have learned to solve practical problems. The famous phenomenon of "high academic grades but low abilities" has become a very serious problem of our education system. If we are to solve this problem, if we are to make Chinese students future scientists and engineers instead of just great learners, we must shift the emphasis now to the cultivation of abilities right now.
Of course, that does mean knowledge learning is not important. We should balance the two properly. Knowledge is the basis for ablities, and abilites is the goal of knowledge learning. Neither should be overlooked.