急求: 2011年职称英语考试综合类A级答案,卷号12。



第一部分考题: 词汇选项题(9分)
1. C (push) -- urge
2. D (energetic) -- vigorous
3. B (stand) --- tolerate
4. B (criticize) – find fault with
5. A(greatly) – considerably
6. B(unclear)-- obscure
7. D (maintain) – assert
8. B (afraid) – scared
9. D (continuous) – steady

10. A (handle) – approach
11. A (shake) – tremble
12. A (praise)-- hail
13. B (cause) – provoke
14. D (understand) – grasp
15. C (remarking) – saying
第二部分考题: 阅读判断 (2分)
The forbidden apple
16. Some activities have recently become illegal in New York.
文章相关句: These days it is the city that never smokes, drinks or does anything naughty (at least in public).
17. It’s now illegal to smoke or drink alcohol anywhere in New York.
文章相关句: These days it is the city that never smokes, drinks or does anything naughty (at least in public).
18. Eating apples in the park is illegal.
答案为B。 该题属于推断题。
文章相关句: These days it is the city that never smokes, drinks or does anything naughty (at least in public).
19. The businessman like the new laws.
20. Elle and Serge Schroitman parked their car on the public driveway.
文章相关句: … It was their own driveway.
21. The editor of vanity fair magazine thinks some of the new laws are stupid.
答案为A, 该题属于推断题。
文章相关句:Under New York city law it is acceptable to keep a gun in your place of work, but not a empty ashtray.
22. New York is cleaner and safer than before.
文章相关句: it is true – it is safer, cleaner and more healthy than before.
23. paragraph 1
答案为E: People are in groups.
提示: groups是第一段段落主题词。 该段第一句是段落主题句。
24. paragraph 2
答案为B。 It is important to have a good leader.
提示: 段首句就是段落主题句,
25. paragraph 3
答案为A: Training can make a good leader
提示: training在该段中出现了, a good leader在文章中有呼应的词语: a successful leader
26. paragraph 4
答案为D: A good leader needs a variety of qualities
提示: a variety of qualities出现在段落中
27. One of the major keys to success is ___.
答案为B。 the ability to work with others.
文章相关句: it is now recognized that being able to work successfully with other people is one of the major keys to success.
28. Groups often break down because of ___.
答案为D: lack of good leaders.
文章相关句: groups without leaders or with weak leaders almost always break down.
29. Good leaders always avoid ___
答案为F: bossing people around (把人指挥得团团转)
文章相关句: Good leaders don’t make people do things in a bossy, controlling way.
30. Self-confidence is the key to ___.
答案为E: overcoming fears about being a leader.
文章相关句: Self-confidence is vital and being able to overcome your own fears about being a leader.
第四部分: 阅读理解(39分——42分)
第一篇: Cellophanes: hang up or keep talking(15分)
31. People buy cell phones for the following reasons EXCEP ___.
A. they are cheap (未提及的信息 )
32. The word “detected” in paragraph 3 could be best replaced by ___.
C. discovered
单词所在语境: signs of change in the tissues of the brain and head can be detected with scanning…
33. The salesman retired young because ___
D: He couldn’t remember simple tasks
文章相关句: A traveling salesman had to retire at a young age because of serious memory loss. He couldn’t remember even simple tasks.
34. On the safety issue of mobile phones, the manufacturing companies ___.
A. hold that the amount of radiation is too small to worry about
文章中的相关句: Mobile phone companies agree that there is some radiation, but they say the amount is too small to worry about
35. The writer’s purpose of writing this article is to advise people ___.
A. to use mobile phones less often
文章中相关句: so far now, it’s wise not to use your mobile phone too often.
第二篇阅读理解:the smell of money(9分——12分)
36. Artificial smells have been used in ___.
答案为B: banks
37. Researchers believe that introducing the “smell of money” into banks will encourage people ___.
答案为A。 to fell confident about banks
文章相关句: Researchers have suggested that surrounding banks will the smell of money will encourage them… and give them added confidence in the bank’s security and professionalism.
38. The difficulty of producing the “smell of money” lies in that ___.
答案为D。 It’s hard to identify and analyze it.
文章相关句: but before a smell can be manufactured and introduced into banks air conditioning systems, it must be identified and chemically analyzed, and this has proved to be difficult.
39. The word “harness” in the last paragraph is closest meaning to ___.
答案为C。 control
文章相关句: It is a phenomenon marketing consultants have long recognized, but until recently have been unable to harness.
40. Researchers think___.
答案为C: the technology to produce artificial smells is in the early stage.
文章相关句: We’ve made great progress but the technology of odor production is still in its infancy.
第三篇阅读理解 spoilt for choice(15分)

41. Sometimes people ask professionals to help the make decisions because ___.
D. the decision may have serious impact on their lives.
42. When people can not easily decide what to buy, which of the following is the least possible choice?
D. seeking advice
43. Why do products have a short lifespan nowadays?
D: They are quickly replaced with new ones.
44. How does migration today differ from that of the past?
C: People now have more choice about where to migrate.
45. Which of the following best expresses the writer’s view on choice?
B: More choice, more anxiety
第五部分 补全短文
46. F。 The term comes from the activity of the ice age.
空格前句: This irregularity is the result of what is called drowned coastline.
空格后句: At the time,….
47. E: It is split almost in half by Sones Sond, a deep and narrow stretch of water…
空格前句: The highest parts of the former mountain range, along the seashore and narrow stretch of water, remained as island.
空格后句:Marine fissile found here were 225 feet above sea level.
48. Mt. Desert island is one of the most famous of all of the islands left behind by the glacier.
干扰项: The wealthy residences of Mt. Desert island selfishly keep it to themselves.
空格前句: Mt. Desert island is…. Mt. Desert was essentially formed as two distinct islands.
49. B. It also lies in a major bird migration lane and is a resting spot for many birds.
空格前句: The island supports the plants and animals of both zones …

50. A: This mountain rises 1,532 feet, making it the highest mountain on the Atlantic seashore.
空格前句: The best view on Mt. Desert island is from the top Cadilliac Mountain
第六部分 完形填空
51. opinions (A)
52. estimates(C)
53. criteria (B)
54. desire (A)
55. psychological (C)
56. before (D)
57. offences (C)
58. operation (A)
59. about (D)
60. that (C)
61. procedure (C)
62. seeking (B)
63. requires (B)
64. risks (B)
65. big
第1个回答  2011-03-31
第2个回答  2011-04-11