

第1个回答  2016-06-01

I think i did pretty wonderful, I think I'm bright. I think I am unique. And I'll teach every child of me to think that.
我觉得我做得很好,我真的很聪明,我是独一无二的。 我会教每一个孩子这样想。
When they misbehave, their punishment is they have to write 100 reasons why they are too wonderful to do what they are doing.And they have to be ahlpha order.
I am adorable . I am beautiful. I am courageous. I give them the first ones until they get the hang out of it. I am delightful. I am effervescent . I am fabulous. I am heavenly. I am idolized. I am just wonderful. I am a kinderd spirit. I am lovable. I am momentous. I am never , never under line.····.And it goes on to z.
And if they do it again,then they have to use another synonym. They can't use adorable any more.
Now the children will say to a new student, “ I don‘t know why you misbehave, I'm tired of telling Ms. Collins how wonderful I am.
