

5 The doctor estimates that the patient would be able to walk in a week.

11 We were fascinated by his house.

14 People could feel the earthquake even from several miles away.

17 She dresses with superb taste.

21 It would be a benefit for you if you can type.

23 Their agreement on this contract was based on mutual equality.

25 The bottle was full and the water was overflowing.

26 It wasn't after a while did I completely resume my strength.

29 John has to cover all the work that he missed.

40 Why not give it a try?You may fail,but it's worth a try.

46 Thay man is doomed to lose his case.

(一)律师 lawyer(二)肝癌 liver cancer(三)经验 experience(四)沮丧 动词frustrate 名词frustration(五)群众 the mass(六)不及格 fail或者flunk(七)温度计 thermometer(八)舞会 ball.
第1个回答  2007-02-26
(1)Doctor after estimated a this patient week was allowed to walk.
(2)We extremely appreciate his house.
(3)Several mile beside people all can feel.
(4)She puts on is having very much savors.
(5)If you can type, that will be advantageous to you.
(6)They reached this agreement in the equal foundation.
(7)That cup has been full, the water is overflowing.
(8)After period of time I can completely restore the physical strength.
(9)John must the work which misses make up.
(10)Take risks as soon as to try, perhaps you can be defeated, but isworth attempting.
(11)This person's lawsuit lost decides.

(二)Liver cancer
(六)Failing grade
(八)Dance party
