

Can be said that "she" as the Notting Hill episode (score) the emotional level of the film into a new height, as a romantic comedy, make most people laugh, after some recollection, feel Thanks for the Memories, The first episode has made undeniable contributions, not only that, "she" also made a star of England semi-purple not red wants to know Elvis Costello, let him hundreds of millions around the world remember their fans known, <she> and <notting hill > also become people's minds with indelible classics .......

可以说"she "作为诺丁山的插曲(score)把本片的情感层次推向了一个崭新的高度,作为一部爱情喜剧,能让大多数人笑过之后有所回味,心存感怀,此首插曲可谓功不可没,不仅如此,"she "也捧红了半紫不红的英伦老生Elvis Costello,让他为全球数以亿记的歌迷影迷所熟知, <she >和<notting hill>也一起成为人们心中不可磨灭的经典.......来自:求助得到的回答