对巴中的简要评价 用英语回答


Bazhong City, Sichuan Province, prefecture level cities, Qin Bashan area center city one, is located in the northeast of Sichuan Basin, located in the Micangshan Dabashan mountains in the south, is located in China's Qinling Huaihe River North South divide line south and east of Dazhou, south of the Nanchong, Nishi Hiroshimoto, North Shaanxi Hanzhong.
巴中市位于中国第二大苏区——川陕革命根据地的中心和首府,素有“红军之乡” “川东北氧吧”之称。巴中旅游资源丰富,处于南北旅游圈最佳对接带和成都、重庆、西安的旅游“金三角”枢纽位置。
Bazhong City is located in China's second largest Soviet Area, Sichuan Shaanxi revolutionary according to the center of the earth and the capital, known as "township of the Red Army" in the northeast of Sichuan oxygen bar "said. Bazhong is rich in tourism resources, tourism circle is located in the north and South best docking belt and Chengdu, Chongqing, Xi'an, Golden Triangle tourism hub location.
Bazhong City, the territory has light fog mountain, Connaught River, Micangshan, grace Yang Town, South niches grottoes, red Fourth Army headquarters site memorial hall, in a Desolate Mountain National Forest Park tourism scenic spot.