

-Hello, Andy! How are you doing these days? I need your help.
-Hi, aunt Susan. I'm Fine, how are you? I've tapped you message on Wechat yesterday, have you seen it?
- Did you? I haven't seen it. I need you to show me how to use it.
- Oh, that's it, aha, I forgot to switch on the data function. I just bought this new mobile phone a week ago, still not familiar with it. It is quite different from my last one.
- So this is why you didn't show up online! Yes you should get a new one earlier, your last cellphone is really out of time. Now mobiles seem to update every month. The technology is running fast.
- Yes, I agree. Nowadays most people have smart phones and some are even addicted to them.
- In the future we'll have more technological products and have more information from all over the world, in 50 years ago, people could merely imagine to see and hear people from another place.
- Yes, our life style has totally changed as technology develops. I must go to learn more about this new smart phone and call you through the app, see you!
- OK, see you!