

1. 每年的12月29日被 designated as 国际生物多样性日。 This day aims to raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity and the need for its conservation.
2. Biodiversity refers to the variety of life forms, at all levels of organization, from genes to ecosystems. It encompasses the genetic diversity within species, the variety of different species themselves, and the diversity of ecosystems that support these species.
3. Invasive species are organisms that are introduced into an area outside their natural range and can cause significant harm to the local ecosystem. Lacking natural predators or competitors in their new environment, these species can rapidly multiply and disrupt the balance of the ecosystem, posing threats to native species.
4. Biodiversity is a fundamental aspect of Earth's ecosystems, which has taken billions of years to evolve. It is the foundation of life on Earth and is essential for human survival and sustainable development.