

第1个回答  2022-10-07


我识得有个女仔又系叫雪颖 佢改左个英文名叫cherein 咁cherein同cherie边个比较好 我正系知cherein点读 但系唔知cherie点读


我唔系想用匿名 我第一次用 唔识点整


cherein同sherrain个音一样 边个比较好 其实cherein呢个english name系真系有 定系人地自己拼音出来 我想知道! thanks very much!

cherry charmaine shermay shirley i dunno... hope i can help you anyway
参考: names which popped into my mind
a dfedfdc dfdvcd lkjj jjjdfjv fidjvdfjc漫画家 xvdvcxvdc cxfxvcxvcx
你叫雪颖...咁不如叫swing丫~ 又简单,又易串。
如果讲到发音最接近o既话 可以叫sherraine 读sher(似sir) rain 希望帮到你
※ 与中文名「雪颖」发音差不多嘅英文名如下(附英文解释): CHARMAINE: English name of Latin origin
meaning "sing." CHARMIAN: English name derived from Greek charma
meaning "delight." CHERI: Variant spelling of English Cherie
meaning "darling." CHERIE: English name derived from the French word chrie
meaning "darling." CHERYL: This English name is probably a blend of Cherie "darling" and the gem name Beryl
hence "darling beryl." SAPPHIRE: English name derived from the vocabulary word
meaning "sapphire." This is a birthstone for the month of August. SAVANNA: Variant spelling of English Savannah
meaning "savannah." SAVANNAH: English name derived from the Taino word zabana
meaning "savannah." SHEREE: Variant spelling of English Sherry
meaning "darling." SHERI: Variant spelling of English Sherry
meaning "darling." SHERIE: Variant spelling of English Sherry
meaning "darling." SHERILYN: Meaning "darling lake." SHERRI: Meaning "darling." SHERRIE: Variant spelling of English Sherry
meaning "darling." SHEVAUN: Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Siobhn
meaning "God is gracious." SHEVON: Meaning "God is gracious." SILVIA: Feminine form of Roman Latin Silvius
meaning "from the forest." Compare with another form of Silvia. SOFIA: Variant spelling of Greek Sophia
meaning "wisdom." This form of the name is in wide use throughout Europe by the Finnish
Portuguese and Swedish. SOPHIA: Greek name meaning "wisdom." SOPHIE: French form of Greek Sophia
meaning "wisdom." SOPHY: English variant spelling of French Sophie
meaning "wisdom." SYLVIA: Variant spelling of Roman Latin Silvia
meaning "from the forest." 图片参考:l.yimg/f/iugc/rte/ *** iley_3 <Search by wowcalvin> 2009-09-08 20:49:43 补充: ※ 问: 阿「雪颖」
为何你用匿名身份问问题? 难道你唔系「雪颖」? ※ 按: 请勿浪费他人一番诚意的答题时间啊......!! 2009-09-17 13:29:13 补充: ※ 在下觉得以上其中两个英文名都几啱你
不妨考虑吓: 1. CHARMIAN: English name derived from Greek charma
meaning "delight." 2. SOPHIA: Greek name meaning "wisdom".
英文: 中文: 来源: 涵义: Sherry, 雪莉, 英国, 来自草地的。 Shirley
雪丽, 英国, 来自草地的。 Sharon, 雪伦, 盖尔, 很美的公主;平原。
A little bit harder. Sounds like Sure Win. Maybe start with SH or CH Sherwin (Sherwin Williams Paint-A large pany selling wall paint in USA) 2009-09-08 19:27:41 补充: Sher and Sure different sound but close to your chinese name
so do not worry people pronounce sure
