

英语形容词作补语, 用来补充说明主语或宾语的性状或变化情况;
a) They find the book quite instructive.他们发现这本书很有教益。(宾补)
b) She was found dead in the street.她被发现死在大街上。(主补
bake 烘;boil 煮;beat 打;burn 烧;colour 上色;consider 认为;count 数(数目);计数 cut 剪,切;drink 喝;drive 逼,促使;dye 染;eat 吃;fill 充满;find 发现,见到;get 使;hammer 锤,用锤打,敲击;hold 认为;keep 保持;lay 使处于某种状态(地位);leave 使;let 让;lick 舔;like 喜欢;make 使;paint 油漆;prove 证明;put 把......放在;render 熬取;see 看见;set 使;sleep 睡;talk 讲,说;think 认为;turn 变;wash 洗;wipe 擦;wish 希望
I want to bake it hard.(我想把它烘硬了。)// I want to bake it red.// He boiled the eggs hard.
He wants to boil the water hot.// They beat the incendiary(纵火犯)black and blue.(青一块,紫一块。)
Burn it black.(把它烧黑)// Colour a sheet of paper red.把一张纸着上红色// He has cut her hair very short.
He drived her mad.他把她逼疯了//He painted the wall green.//Could you push the window shut?
The cat licked the saucer clean.猫把碟子舔得干干净净。//He dyed(染) her hair green.
Please keep the room clean.//Plenty of exercise keeps people healthy.
I want to keep my children's clothes clean.//He felt so unhappy that he wished himself dead.
He caught a bird, but he set it free again.//Get the breakfast ready.//Do you like your coffee black or white?
I found the door locked.//I found the room empty.//They found the birdcage empty.//We proved him wrong.
I don't consider myself responsible for the damage.//Tom can count himself lucky that he has passed the examination.//She could talk herself blue in the face, I still wouldn't believe her.即使她讲得口干舌燥我也不相信她。
He thinks it silly to to there alone.//Put these things straight.把这些东西整理好。
Do you like your tea strong?你要浓茶吗?//I drank the water hot.我喝热水。
Don't let your cat loose.不要让你的猫无拘无束。//I wish you happy.