
Table 3 presents each institutionalism model, by making the assumption that the effect of the local and regional level predictor is fixed, as described in formula (4), and there is a cross-level interaction, local plan quality/local planning agency commitment by political culture, civic engagement, and regional agency, respectively, as described in formula (7) . We expect the effect of regional level predictors and the interactions to have a positive effect.
Three institutionalism models show that, like Burby and Dalton (1994)’s model, there are powerful effects of local planning institutional variables. In Model A, which is the sociological institutionalism model (SI), we observe a marginal and positive effect of the political culture predictor at the regional level (p < .1). The cross-level interaction predictors, however, are not statistically significant. In Model B, which is the historical institutionalism model (HI), we observe a powerful effect of the civic engagement predictor at the regional level. The effect is positive and statistically significant at the .05 level. Also, the cross-level interaction between local planning agency commitment and civic engagement is negative and statistically very significant at the .01 level. It seems that the effect of local planning commitment is moderated or conditioned by civic engagement. In Model C, which is the rational choice institutionalism model (RCI), we observe a powerful effect of regional agency predictor at the regional level. The regional agency predictor is positive and statistically very significant at the .01 level. Also, the cross-level interaction between local planning agency commitment and regional agency is negative and statistically very significant at the .01 level. The effect of local planning commitment is moderated or conditioned by regional agency.
Considering random effects, the variance component at the regional-level of analysis of Model A, B and C remains significant. It means that potentially explainable residual variation in fixed effects remains. That is, the political culture predictor, the civic engagement predictor, the regional agency predictor, respectively, at the regional-level do not account for all of the variance in local hazard mitigation policy adoption at this level. We conclude that we should explore the effects of other regional-level predictors (like a combination of political culture and regional agency role) because it might help explain some of the regional-level residual variation. In comparing model fit, the difference in deviance statistics in Model C is lower than that of Model A and Model B. Also, AIC and BIC are higher in Model A and Model B than in Model C. Because it is argued generally that the model with the smaller information criteria (either AIC or BIC) fits “better,” Model C (rational choice institutionalism model) is considered a “better model” among three new institutionalism models.

这些制度模型(比如Burby和Dalton的模型)显示,当地计划指标的作用非常大。在社会学制度模型A中,我们观察了地方层面的政策习惯的作用。但在数字层面的各夸层次指标的相互作用却并不那么明显。在历史制度主义模型B中,我们发现当地层面的民众参与度有着巨大作用。在05层次上的影响很大且统计学意义明显。同样,当地计划中介行为与民众参与度之间的跨层次相互作用 成反比,二者在01层次上的统计学意义明显。似乎当地计划行为的效果取决于民众参与。在理性制度选择模型C中,我们发现在地方层面的地方机构预测指标(实在不知道怎么翻译这个词组)有着重大作用。该指标在01层次作用明显且统计学意义突出。同样,当地计划机构行为与当地中介间存在反比关系,二者在01层次有明显的统计学意义。当地计划行为的效果会受地区中介的影响。
考虑到可能出现的随机结果,地方层面的分析模型A/B/C中的变量组成必须仔细选取。意思是潜在的变量也可能对结果产生影响。换句话说,政策习惯指标、民众参与指标、地区中介指标并不能代表这个层次的所有变量。我们认为有必要研究一下地区层次指标下 其他因素的影响(例如正常习惯与地区中介角色的共同影响),因为这样可以帮助我们理解一些地区层面的剩余变量。在比较各模型的合适度的时候,模型C的不一致度要低于模型A/B,后者的AIC和BIC要高于前者。原因是,在一般情况下,拥有少量信息标准的模型往往更加“合适”,因而模型C被认为是一个更好的模型。
第1个回答  2010-11-30
三主义模型显示,像Burby和道尔顿(1994)的模型,也有当地的规划制度变量强大的效果。在模型A,这是社会学制度模型(SI)的,我们观察到在区域水平(P <0.1)的是政治文化的预测边际和积极的影响。在跨层次互动的预测,但是,没有统计学意义。在模型B,这是历史制度主义模型(嗨),我们观察到在区域一级的公民参与预测强有力的影响。其效果是积极的,统计在0.05水平上显着。此外,地方规划机构之间的承诺和公民参与跨层次的相互作用是非常消极的,统计在0.01水平上显着。看来,当地规划的影响主持或承担由公民参与的条件。在模型C,这是理性选择制度模式(RCI的),我们观察到在区域一级的区域代理预测强有力的影响。区域代理的预测是非常积极的,在统计上.01显著水平。此外,地方规划之间的区域代理机构的承诺和跨层次的相互作用是非常消极的,统计在0.01水平上显着。地方规划承诺的效果已被过滤或区域代理的条件。
第2个回答  2010-11-30
表 3礼物,每个制度主义模型假定这个效果本地和区域层次是固定的,预测所描述的公式(4),并且有一个cross-level互动,当地计划质量/当地经济规划机构致力于公民参与社会政治文化和区域的机构,如前所述,分别在公式(7)。我们期望的效果预测因子及地区级的交互有积极的作用。

三个制度主义模型显示,就像Burby和道尔顿(1994)“s模式的影响,有强大的地方规划制度变量。在模型,它是社会学的制度主义模型(SI),我们看到一个边缘和积极作用的预测政治文化在地方一级(p < 0.1)。cross-level互动的预测因子,然而,没有统计学显著性。在B型,这是历史上制度主义模型(嗨),我们看到的公民参与社会的影响在区域预测水平。之间的关系是正的,在0.05显著水平。同时,cross-level当地经济规划机构互动公民参与社会的承诺,非常重要的统计是负数,而在. 01水平。似乎地方规划的影响承诺是受节制或公民参与社会。C模型,这是理性选择制度主义模型(RCI),我们看到一个强大的效果预测地区代理在区域水平。区域机构预测非常重要的是正值,而且统计上在. 01水平。同时,cross-level当地经济规划机构承诺相互作用是负数,而地区代理,非常重要的统计在. 01水平。地方规划的影响承诺是受节制或地区代理。

考虑随机效应、方差成分的分析regional-level A型、B和C仍然显著。这意味着潜在的explainable残余的变化,在固定效应的遗迹。也就是说,政治文化公民参与社会,预测,预测地区代理,分别预测在regional-level不能解释所有的方差在当地的风险缓解政策选择的球队。我们应努力探索,我们可以得出结论:regional- level预测的影响(如政客们的政治文化和地区代理作用),因为它会帮助你解释一些regional-level残余变化。在比较模型适合不同的犯罪统计模型在C是低于模式和模型作者也、AIC和BIC更高模型和B型比模型通常争论的是由于其中的小模型信息标准(或AIC或BIC)相配“更好,”模式 C(理性选择制度主义模型)被认为是一个“更好的模式”在三个新制度主义模式。