求一篇英语作文:The school sports meeting



This Friday, in our school, one thousand students took part in the autumn sports meeting.

This morning, I finished breakfast, with very excited mood, excitedly came to the school, to participate in the annual autumn sports meeting.

To the school, six students with a bright national flag to walk in the front, followed by the brothers and sisters in the drums, followed by the formation of the brothers and sisters with colorful flags flying over.

It is gongs and drums, colorful flags fluttering ah! I saw at the back of the poem closely followed by the students with a vigorous autumn athletes. He left the stage with a clanging farewell.

Then the girls of grade three and four performed the school dance and the rabbit dance. They performed very well.

The most tense moment came, and the game began. I saw the captain on the stage said: "the third grade men's group 200 meters competition bulletin, the third grade men's group 200 meters competition bulletin." The teacher immediately told me to go to the long ground of the game.

I quickly ran to the field of the game, the referee blew the whistle soon, I and the rest of the two athletes like a left arrow dashed out immediately, when we ran 30 meters, have left an athlete far away, now I was the first place, when I want to speed up, has been an athlete to many.

I want to be discouraged, but just after our class, heard the students cheer for me, I suddenly have confidence, rushed past, and 40 meters from the finish line.

35 meters, 30 meters... That one athlete has left the end of the twenty meters, I began to sprint, to run, run faster than before, but also two meters to the end, the athlete seems to have won.

I thought: must hold on, must hold on. At this time, I jumped up, to the end, faster than the athlete a decimeter, good hanging ah! Thunderous applause broke out on the playground.

I will make persistent efforts to meet next year's autumn sports meeting!











第1个回答  2010-11-23
The school sports meeting
This year's school sports meet was held in November. The weather was fine, a perfect day for a sports meet, without a single cloud in the sky. The athletes were pumped up and ready to do their best as they did their warm ups before the competitions. The stands were filled with cheering students, all eager to support their own friends. Even with the hot sun, the athletes and their supporters remained in excellent spirits, and the meet concluded on a high note as the school principal gave out trophies and medals to the victorious competitors.本回答被网友采纳