

1. She decided to give up her job because it was too stressful.
2. I’m not going to give up on my dream of becoming a doctor.

3. After trying for years to quit smoking, Jack finally gave up and accepted that he was addicted.

4. Despite the difficulty, she continued to study and didn’t give up.

5. When the project faced difficulties, he became discouraged and wanted to give up.

6. Jenny tried her best to pass the exam, but she gave up during the last hour.

7. Don’t give up just because things are hard – keep pushing and you’ll eventually succeed.

不要因为事情变得困难就放弃 - 坚持下去,你最终会成功。
8. He was faced with numerous problems and challenges, but he never gave up.

9. After a year of trying, he finally decided to give up on his music career.

10. The athlete was injured multiple times but refused to give up on his dream of winning a gold medal.

第1个回答  2023-06-03

1、She was so frustrated with her new fitness routine that she wanted to give
up after just one day. 她对新的健身计划感到非常沮丧,仅仅一天之后就想放弃了。

2、Even though he was struggling with his math homework, he refused to give up
until he had solved every problem. 尽管他的数学作业让他很吃力,但他决不放弃,直到解决了每一个问题。

3、In the middle of her performance, the singer forgot the words to the song
and was tempted to give up, but she persevered and managed to finish the song
flawlessly. 歌唱家在演唱过程中忘记了歌词,被诱惑放弃,但她坚持下去,最终完美地完成了这首歌曲。

4、After several failed attempts to quit smoking, he finally decided to give
up and seek professional help. 经过多次戒烟失败后,他终于决定放弃并寻求专业帮助。

5、The athlete was determined not to give up during the marathon, even when he
hit the wall and was tempted to quit. 运动员决心在马拉松比赛中不放弃,即使他遭遇困难,诱惑退缩。

6、Despite the obstacles and challenges, the entrepreneur refused to give up
on her dream and continued to work tirelessly until she achieved success.

7、When things didn't go as planned, the team was tempted to give up, but
their coach reminded them to keep pushing and never surrender.

8、Although the project was not progressing as quickly as they had hoped, they
refused to give up and continued to work towards their goals.

9、Once she realized the extent of the damage, she knew she had no choice but
to give up on the car and start looking for a new one.

10. It was a difficult decision to make, but after much deliberation, she
decided to give up her job and pursue her true passion - writing.