

第1个回答  2022-10-01

1. 怎么写邮箱英语作文





00我们第一段的建议开头句就是:I've got your E-mail。我已经收到你的邮件了。


2. 英语作文写一封电子邮件

怎样发电子邮件呢?发电子邮件也需要专门的软件,不过好在IE都自带一个邮件工具,我们只需要对它进行一下设置就可以使用了。你需要做的设置包括:自己的E-mail地址和邮件服务器地址。 因为你在发E-mail时,你的信件不是直接发到对方的计算机上,而是发到你所在网上的邮件服务器上。这个服务器是一台24小时开机的计算机。你的信件传送到服务器上之后,由它负责发送。 别人发给你的E-mail也是发到你的邮件服务器上,等你接收E-mail时,需要先和你的邮件服务器联系上,然后服务器再把信件传送到你的计算机上。







界面会提示你 ~正在发送中!~

当你发送成功后会提示你 邮件以发送!


3. 英语作文E

Dear Jeff,

I'm writing this letter to tell you something about learning Chinese.Well,there is a spoken Chinese class in Nantong University.It lasts for four weeks.The price is not very expensive,it is 400 yuan.Besides,I'm willing to offer you acmodations and help you with learning Chinese if you want to join this class.By the way,could you please help me with learning English?

Best wishes!




4. 英语作文email怎么写

Dear Phill:

I'm sorry to disturb you to reading my e-mail.Here ,I'd like to say something about our trip to on Christmas。

At first ,we hope you can dispatch a car in order to send us .Second,we need a guide who is good at English and familiar to Scotland .On the other hand,please tell us the arrangement and the fee of exhibition .Please tell us what we want to know by send e-mail to [email protected] .

Thanks for reading it.

Best wishes.



5. 写一篇英语作文题目是:电子邮箱在中国的感受和生活

E-mail is the most basic Inter, but it is the most important part, by e-mail, convenient and efficient exchange of information, has bee an indispensable work of enterprise behavior. Enterprise mailbox is refers to the enterprise domain name as a suffix e-mail address, usually a business often have several employees to use electronic mail, e-mail allows mail to any open mailbox in different names, and according to the different needs to set mailbox space, and can be closed at any time or delete the mailbox. Enterprise email to enterprise domain name suffix, which reflects the pany's brand and image, but also can facilitate the pany management staff mailbox for unified management, can make the pany business correspondence beeen better and more secure management in Inter era, is an enterprise of modern munication tools.


6. 关于英语作文——写一封电子邮件

Dear John,

Long time no see,what are you busying? I want you to watch the macth about tennis,I know you like it very much,now I have o tickets ,so we can watch the match together.I think we will have a wonderful time!

yours, Dick

7. 英语作文邮件格式

Dear Jack,

How is everything going ?

I am writing to tell you that I have found a new job in a bank, which is located in the main business area. It's really not easy to have an oppotunity to work in a bank and I am very happy. And I will move to my new house next week. It is ROOM 312 of NO.14 city park in the Oxford street, which is near the bank I work in.Though it is a little bit far from your house, I will visit you as I usually do. And wele to my new house ! My new phone number is 7635089, and I am looking forward to you.



about 110 words
