
My name is ㅇㅇ. I am 16years old and I am from China. I used to be study in China , but now I immigrated to KOrea since I was 5. I studied in local school from kindergarten to junior one
, and I transferred to international school cause I wanted to learn English. I am not really good at English (especially grammar), Even though I am in international school.
My family is made up of my father, mother, a brother who is 2 years older and me. I love my family so much. I always love to have conversation with my mom about school life.
I am a Christian. My weakness is that I am a little bit shy, and pusillanimous. I don’t like to eat onions, and garlic. My family like to travel around so we’ve been went to 15 countries. I like to travel, but unfortunately I have car dizzy. My strength is that I can speak Chinese like native speaker, and I like to laugh. I have several hobbies including watching movies (especially sad movies), shopping, chatting, and listening to music. Also I like animals such as: dog, cat, monkey, and rabbit etc…
Consequently I hope my new host family will like me, I’ll try to correct all my bad habits (such as getting up late and lazy), and I will be very appreciate them that they chose me as their family. Also I hope I can do well in USA.



