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摘  要


With the continued growth of our national economy, society, both material and spiritual life to a new level, has been a gradual shift to the well-off society. Corresponding to the requirements of the people on the restaurant industry is continually improving, people's consumption concept also presents a wide range of development situation. When people eat, not only requires good food, eating environment for a higher requirement. Modern dining space design requires not only reasonable in the use of functional, but also beautiful and comfortable environment with an atmosphere to meet people's spiritual needs. Different functions in different dining environment will lead people to the psychological effects, but also affect the psychology of human behavior dining space design. There are several different dining space design style, so the design of restaurant space to be a result of the time, location to the actual condition of the specific and different geographical, cultural, ethnic and lifestyles will have on the relative effects of restaurant space. Only with good ideas and creativity can only create the perfect indoor dining environment, and create a unique dining atmosphere.
Sought by analyzing the impact of the project design of the main factors dining space, dining space of design principles and methods, and further design of the modern dining room design in the development process of innovative start a new, complete exposition, combined with their own Research on the design of modern dining room to make some recommendations. Hope the research on this topic for the future design of the dining space provide the theoretical basis to improve the design of restaurant space of knowledge.
