
第二. 兼职决不能以荒废自己的学业为代价。
兼职与学习时间发生冲突时,孰轻孰重应当掂量清楚。有人曾说过:“时间就像海绵中的水,只要肯挤,总还是有的”。的确,做兼职时不妨发场一下雷锋的钉子精神,善挤善钻,保证足够的学习时间。同时,我们要尽量选择在双休日里做兼职,有效避免与学习时间相冲突。 要注意合理安排配置 时间,做到学习、工作两不误。真正优秀的学生是要在大学期间扎扎实实打好基础的,这样进入社会才能很快适应本职工作,并且更有发展后劲。
最后,要了解自己,对所要从事的 工作及时地做好定位与准备,对待每一份兼职都要用心、用脑。唯有这样,一个人才能在最短的时间内得到最大的提炼与升华。

Now, the part-time has become a vast campus at the moment the boom, more and more students out of school, start their own part-time dream. Of course, many part-time benefits. Not only earn little tuition, something to reduce the family burden; and can make students more contact with society, and expand communication face to exercise their social practice. However, if you can not handle the learning and part-
Functional relationship, can not make part-time to adapt to their own learning plan, to delay or even neglect their studies, it is nothing short of "picking up the sesame seeds of the watermelon." So, how to make their own plans for part-time and learning to adapt it ? Here, I talk about some personal views on some experience.
The first is scientific selection of part-time object. University is to foster community direct service personnel, student's main task is to learn professional knowledge. Professional learning process should not only focus on theory, but also to strengthen the practice, while part-time, the operation is a good practice can be used as learning methods, which are beneficial to choose the best part-time professional knowledge. Of Business Administration's choice as to do market research, marketing, art design and computer science can offer design studios.
Second. Part-time must not neglect their studies for the price.
As college students, no matter what kind of part-time, our identity has always been a student, so in dealing with part-time students and school, it is necessary to their academic-based, supplemented by part-time, under the premise of doing a good job of learning, and then do some part-time moderate to achieve the unity of learning and part-time. University for four years which is not to teach a technique, but to cultivate our ability to learn, the loss of technology over time were eliminated, but a person's ability to learn is when to be out of date, and now society, knowledge economy has become the leading force of social development, therefore, excellent ability to learn a lifetime of wealth for college students, we must learn their professional knowledge.
Third. Arrange a time to be reasonable.
Part-time and learning time of conflict, should weigh the pros and cons clearly. Someone once said: "Time is like a sponge in the water, as long as willing to squeeze, the total is still there." Indeed, part-time made field may wish to look at the spirit of Lei Feng's nails, good crowd good drill to ensure adequate time for study. At the same time, we should try to choose the weekends doing part-time, effective way to avoid conflict with the learning time. Reasonable arrangements for allocation of time to pay attention, do study, work correct. Truly outstanding college students is to lay a solid foundation, so that society can adapt quickly into their jobs, and more development potential.
Finally, to understand themselves, on the work you want to do a good job positioning and preparation time, each part must be treated carefully, with the brain. Only in this way a person can in the shortest possible time to maximize the extraction and distillation.
第1个回答  2011-05-18
Now, the part-time has become a vast campus at the moment the boom, more and more students out of school, start their own part-time dream. Of course, many part-time benefits. Not only earn a little tuition, something to reduce the family burden; and can make students more contact with society, and expand communication face to exercise their social practice. However, if you can not handle the learning and part-
Functional relationship, can not make part-time to adapt to their own learning plan, to delay or even neglect their studies, it is nothing short of "picking up the sesame seeds of the watermelon." So, how to make their own plans for part-time and learning to adapt it ? Here, I talk about some personal views on some experience.
The first is scientific selection of part-time object. University is to foster community direct service personnel, student's main task is to learn professional knowledge. Professional learning process should not only focus on theory, but also to strengthen the practice, while part-time is just good practice can be used as a learning style, so choose the best part-is conducive to professional knowledge. Business Administration's choice as to do market research, marketing, art design and computer science can offer design studios.
Second. Part-time must not neglect their studies for the price.
As college students, no matter what kind of part-time, our identity has always been a student, so in dealing with part-time students and school, it is necessary to their academic-based, supplemented by part-time, under the premise of doing a good job of learning, and then do some part-time moderate to achieve the unity of learning and part-time. University for four years which is not to teach a technique, but to cultivate our ability to learn, the loss of technology over time were eliminated, but a person's ability to learn is when to be out of date, and now society, knowledge economy has become the leading force of social development, therefore, perfect for college students learning a lifetime of wealth, we must learn their professional knowledge.
Third. Arrange a time to be reasonable.
Part-time and learning time of conflict, should weigh the pros and cons clearly. Someone once said: "Time is like a sponge in the water, as long as willing to squeeze, the total is still there." Indeed, part-time made field may wish to look at the spirit of Lei Feng's nails, good crowd good drill to ensure adequate time for study. At the same time, we should try to choose the weekends doing part-time, effective way to avoid conflict with the learning time. Reasonable arrangements for allocation of time to pay attention, do study, work correct. Truly outstanding college students is to lay a solid foundation, so that society can adapt quickly into their jobs, and more development potential.
Finally, to understand yourself and the work of the time to do a good job positioning and preparation, each part must be treated carefully, with the brain. Only in this way a person can in the shortest possible time to maximize the extraction and distillation.追问


第2个回答  2011-05-20