英语句子中有插入语,怎么作肯定或者否定回答?例如:Do you think it is right?



所以您问的问题,正常回答就可以了 yes, I do.

希望可以帮到您 谢谢:)

插入语的类型较多 .常见的有:
1. 副词作插入语 能用作插入语的副词 { 短语〉常见的有: indeed, certainly, surely, however, or rather, generally, besides 等。
如: Certainly. I won’t accept such a foolish plan.我当然不会采纳这个患蠢的计划
l). You speak English quite fluently -- indeed. 你的英语的确讲得很棒。
2). 形容词作插入语 能用作插入语的形容词〈短语〉常见的有:true, strange to say, excellent, wonderful 等.
如:a) Wonderful, ,our team has won again. 太好了 , 我们队又赢了 .
b) True, you have done well. 真的 .你干得不错。
c) Strange to say, she didn't go home that day. 说也奇怪 , 那天她没有回家 .
3. 介词作插入语
能用作插入语的介词短语常见的有:in brief, in short, in general, of course, in fact, in other words, in a word 等。
如: a) He said he was a teacher, but in fact .he was a spy.
b) You can't wait any more, in other words ,you should start at once.
4.v-ing 形式作插入语
能用作插入语的 -ing 形式 ( 短语 ) 常见的有:generally speaking, strictly speaking, judging from …等。
如:a) Generally speaking ,naughty boys like to speak in class.
b) Judging from his look, he is very sick.
5. 不定式作插入语
能用作插入语的不定式短语常见的有: to make the matter worse, to tell the truth, to be frank, to be honest ,to sum up, to start with, to begin with, to be sure 等.
如:a) To tell the truth ,I don't like you.说老实话 , 我不喜欢你 .
b) I didn't start early. To make the matter worse ,it was raining hard.
6. 一些固定短语作插入语
常见的能用作插入语的固定短语。如: worse than all, worse than ever, worse still, what’s more; what’s worse….
a) I felt very hungry. Worse than all, I took no money.
b) It began to rain. Worse than ever, I had no umbrella.
7. 语句式插入语
常见的能用作插入语的语句有: I am sure; I believe; I think; I suppose, that is to say; as we know, as I see, believe it or not…
第1个回答  2011-05-10
肯定就是yes i do,否定no i don't
第2个回答  2011-05-10
第3个回答  2011-05-10
Yes,I do think it is right.
No, I don't think it is right.
第4个回答  2011-05-10
yes,I do.