


一、1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. A 11. D 12. C 13. A 14. D 15. B 16. B 17. A 18. A 19. A 20. B

二、21-25 ADCDB 26-30 BCDCA 31-35 CDBAD

三、36-40 BA?DA 41-45 DCBAB

四、45-50 BABAA 51-55 CADBC

五、56. cool 57. relaxed 58. on Wednesday 59. take a plane 60. go hiking 61-65 BFGED

66. She goy up at about 8:30.

67. her alarm clock stopped and her parents had gone to work without checking if she got up

68. No, she didn’t. she went to school on her roller blades.

69. It took her 35 minutes to get to the school.

70. She made it to her second lesson, history.

六、71. eleventh 72. collection 73. finally 74. funniest 75. dishonest

七、76. Did…buy 77. How often 78. different from 79. be used 80. next to

八、81. was cteated 82. developing 83. can do 84. announced

85. to read 86. seems 87. is working 88. to improve

89. catch 90. exciting 91. wait 92. sick 93. visitor 94. instead 95. another


选择题 1--5 ABCBA 6--10 BBBCA 11—15 ABCAB

16--20 BCDAB 21--25 AACBD 26--30 BACDA

31--35 ACBBD 36--40 CDADB 41—45 DBCBA

46--50 CBADC 51--55 CCADB


四. 1. half past seven / 7:30 2. behind 3. pink 4. jacket 5. summer

五. 1. question 2. art 3. sunglasses 4. Internet 5. decision

6. excited 7. less 8. lucky

六. 1. has 2. came 3. to do 4. are giving 5. was interviewed

6. have had 7. will appear

七. 书面表达 ( 略)