湘少版小学英语四年级上册第六单元这是谁的干Unit 6 Whose is this?教学设计及反思

Unit 6 Whose is this?第六单元这是谁的?课时安排教学内容 课时安排A部分 1课时B,C,D部分 1课时 E,F部分 0.5课时教学目标语言功能 用“Whose is this ? ”“It’s...”询问及表达事物的归属。 语言结构Whose is this ?Is it …?Yes , it is .../No , it is ... 词汇 理解词汇:whose , purse , scarf , hat , dress , drum , dragon , drink 语音 字母组合dr在单词中的发音。

Unit 6 Whose is this?Period 3一、教学目标1.能掌握字母dr组合在单词中的发音;2.能掌握本课重点单词的拼写;3.完成课文F部分。在游戏中帮助学生掌握所学单词。二、教学重点及难点重点:能掌握字母dr组合在单词中的发音;难点:理解新单词;三、教学步骤:Step 1 Warming up 1. Greeting;2. Review the words :Ss look at T’s mouth and guess the words;T and Ss spell the words,then play the “Golden finger”Step 2 Presentation and drill 1. Ss try to read the words in Part e;2. Listen to the recorder ,find out the rules;3. Sum the rules, find out other words.4. Learn to write the words.Step 3 Practice 1.Game : Cross the bridge : Ss read the words in the bridge.2. Finish Part F.Step 4 Consolidation 1. Ss make the dialogues like the text;2. Do the exercises;Homework : Read the text . 查看更多答案>>