

  My favorite thing to do on a small reporter classes, because, so you can experience the joy of the interview, you can explore the vast world, you can go to see if the community can also get a lot of knowledge, a small reporter is to combine theory and practice of a course .
  Whenever I interview are confident, I believe I can successfully complete the interview, and will be carefully recorded. I remember one time, the teacher let us write the interview live draft, I wrote with relish, no noise no trouble, a lot of small reporters they could not think of what to write, all that worry, but I want to come, probably because I seriously After listening to introduce aunt it! I finished, on to the teacher.
  Through this activity enhances the confidence of small reporter who cultivate the ability to handle emergencies, broaden their horizons and enrich social experience for the healthy growth of young reporters erected stage. So wonderful freeze in an instant, it turned into the eternal memory, we use the practice to witness the colorful and full of new growth history.
  Finally, on the road of life, I will not live up to the teacher to re-look, marching footsteps of those good reporters go all the way.
第1个回答  2015-04-22
故事中的大智慧”系列丛书——《虚掩的门》。我随手一翻,一个醒目的标题映入我的眼帘——“大器之材”。我急不可耐的读了下去。 原来这个故事讲的是:信息时代的天才、微软电脑公司大亨、美国首富比尔·盖茨,上小学四年级时被推荐到学校图书馆帮忙整理图书。他聪颖好学,尽管身材瘦小,工作却十分认真。他每天来得很早,不遗余力的在书架的迷宫中穿来穿去,像个小侦探一样的把人们放错位置的图书拣出来,然后再放回它应该放的地方。后来他家要搬到附近另外一个住宅区,他也被转学离开了图书馆。可他心里老记挂着“我走了谁来整理那些站错队的书呢?”想来想去,他让妈妈又把他转回了原来的学校。他告诉图书管理员,“现在爸爸用车接送我上学,如果爸爸不带我,我就走路来。” 看完这个故事,我被比尔那做事认真的精神所感动。一个十几岁的孩子,做事如此认真,决心如此坚定,则天下无不可为之事。我想到,在许多伟大或杰出的人物身上,总有许多优于或异于常人的地方,这些都会或迟或早的在他们的生平事迹中显现出来。成名之前,这些可能被人忽视,成名之后,人们才想到了他们当初的不凡。但不管事前或事后的记录,无疑都是留给人类的一份精品。本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2021-05-28