

第十二本 Omar and Kerry are eager to win a treasure-hunting competition. At first they found a cornflake coin and everyone laughed.Then Barker helped them found a real Roman coin,they win and had to tickets for Space Fun Park . 第十三本 Ernie was surprised at he saw the ghost ship riding at school, but only he and Jade can see it. They helped Captain Pegleg found his treasure together . At least the ghost ship began fading away . 第十四本 Daniel was deeply disappointed , Because his mum give him a Micro the metal dog , In fact , he wanted to have a real dog .So Micro began to change himself ,he copied the real dog . at least , he became the best dog of the world. 第十五本 Pele was a football player of Brazil ,he played in four World Cups, and goal over 1000, So people call him —— the King of football! 第十六本 Matthew Henson traveled North Pole with his friends, but each time they were beaten back by blizzards or melting ice and each they got closer than before. At the last time they successed! 第十七本 Pioneer girl lives with his family, they move many times but they were very happy . 第十八本 Nelson Mandela was a county boy ,but he was too great! He can stand up to bullies , He tried hard to make all the people live together in friendship. 不一定写5——10的
