


1. 建筑师Architect;
2. 律师或法务官Barrister or solicitor;
3. 电缆工Cable jointer;
4. 地籍测量员(地契)Cadastral (Land Title) Surveyor;
5. 脊椎指压治疗者Chiropractor;
6. 临床牙科技术员Clinical dental technician;
7. 牙科治疗师Clinical dental therapist;
8. 牙科保健师Dental hygienist;
9. 牙科技术员Dental technician;
10. 牙科治疗师Dental therapist;
11. 牙科医生Dentist;
12. 营养师Dietitian;
13. 眼镜配制技师Dispensing optician;
14. 电气应用服务人员Electrical application serviceperson;
15. 汽车电工Electrician;
16. 电气工程师Electrical engineer;
17. 电气检验员Electrical inspector;
18. 电气安装员Electrical installer;
19. 电气维修技师Electrical service technician;
20. 登记护士Enrolled nurse;
21. 财务顾问Financial adviser;
22. 线路机修工Line mechanic;
23. 医学实验室的科学家/技术人员Medical laboratory scientist/technologist;
24. 医务化验员Medical laboratory technician;
25. 医生Medical practitioner;
26. 医疗放射技师Medical radiation technologist;
27. 护士和助产士Nurses and midwives;
28. 职业治疗师Occupational therapist;
29. 验光师Optometrist;
30. 整骨疗法家Osteopath;
31. 药剂师Pharmacist;
32. 物理治疗师Physiotherapist;
33. 管工、煤气工和渠工Plumber, gasfitter and drainlayer;
34. 足科医生Podiatrist;
35. 心理学家Psychologist;
36. 房地产代理Real estate agent;
37. 教师Teacher;
38. 兽医Veterinarian。



1. 会计Accountants:New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants (NZICA);
2. 建筑师Architects:New Zealand Registered Architects Board (NZRAB);
3. 律师和法务官Barristers and solicitors:New Zealand Law Society;
4. 脊椎指压治疗者Chiropractors:Chiropractic Board NZ;
5. 临床心理学家Clinical psychologists、教育心理学家Educational psychologists:NZ Psychologists Board;
6. 牙医Dentists、牙科治疗师Dental therapists、牙科治疗师Dental hygienists、牙科技术员Dental technicians:Dental Council of New Zealand;
7. 营养师Dietitians:New Zealand Dietitians Board;
8. 电工Electricians、电气维修技师Electrical service technicians、线路机修工Line mechanics:Electrical Workers Licensing Group;
9. 工程师Engineers:The Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ);
10. 医学实验室的科学家Medical laboratory scientists、医学实验室技术员Medical laboratory technicians、注册经理Registrations Manager、医用放射技术员Medical radiation technologists、执业医师Medical practitioners:Medical Council of New Zealand;
11. 助产士Midwives:Midwifery Council of NZ;
12. 护士Nurses:Nursing Council of New Zealand;
13. 职业治疗专家Occupational therapists:Occupational Therapy Board of New Zealand;
14. 验光师Optometrists、眼镜配制技师Dispensing opticians:New Zealand Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians Board;
15. 整骨疗法家Osteopaths:Osteopathic Council of NZ;
16. 药剂师Pharmacists:Pharmacy Council of New Zealand;
17. 物理治疗师Physiotherapists:The Physiotherapy Board of New Zealand;
18. 水管工、煤气工和管道工Plumbers, gasfitters and drainlayers:Plumbers, Gasfitters & Drainlayers Board;
19. 足病学家Podiatrists:Podiatrists Board of NZ;
20. 房地产Real estate:Real Estate Agents Licensing Board;
21. 测量员Surveyors:New Zealand Institute of Surveyors;
22. 教师Teachers:New Zealand Teachers Council;
23. 兽医Veterinarians、兽医师Veterinary surgeons:Veterinary Council of New Zealand。

第1个回答  2018-06-26


1建筑师 Architect
2大律师或律师 Barrister or solicitor
3脊椎指压治疗者 Chiropractor
4临床牙科技术员 Clinical dental technician
5牙科治疗师 Clinical dental therapist
6牙科保健师 Dental hygienist
7牙科技术员 Dental technician
8牙科治疗师 Dental therapist
9牙科医生 Dentist
10营养师 Dietitian
11眼镜配制技师 Dispensing optician
12汽车电工 Electrician
13电气维修技师 Electrical service technician
14登记护士 Enrolled nurse
15线路机修工 Line mechanic
16医学实验室的科学家/技术人员 Medical laboratory scientist/technologist
17医务化验员 Medical laboratory technician
18医生 Medical practitioner
19医疗放射技师 Medical radiation technologist
20护士和助产士 Nurses and midwives
21职业治疗师 Occupational therapist
22验光师 Optometris
23整骨疗法家 Osteopath
24药剂师 Pharmacist
25物理治疗师 Physiotherapist
26管工,煤气工和渠工 Plumber, gasfitter and drainlayer
27足科医生 Podiatrist
28心理学家 Psychologist
29房地产代理 Real estate agent
30土地(土地产权)测量师 Cadastral (Land Title) Surveyor
31教师 Teacher
32兽医 Veterinarian本回答被网友采纳