
American modern music is popular with people.There are three main kinds of modern music in the United States.One of them is country music.It comes from the countryside in the south of America.Country music is simple and we can relax ourselves when listening to it.It tells us about the everyday life and the feelings of the common people.
The second kind of American modern music is blues.What can we get from this kind of music?Blue has the meaning of“sadness”. So we can taste the sad feelings in bules.And we can also learn about Black American’s difficult life.
The last one is American rock music.It is a new from of music with fast pace.It first came out in the from of rock and roll in the 1950s.Since then,there were many froms of rock music: hard rock,soft rock,punk rock and so on.Many young pepple like playing this kind of music.

American modern music is popular with people.美国现代音乐广收人们的欢迎There are three main kinds of modern music in the United States.在美国现代音乐有三种主要的形式One of them is country music.其中一种是乡村音乐It comes from the countryside in the south of America.它来源于美国南部的乡村Country music is simple and we can relax ourselves when listening to it.乡村音乐非常的简洁,当听到乡村音乐的时候我们感到十分放松It tells us about the everyday life and the feelings of the common people.它为我们讲述了日常的生活以及平凡人的感受
The second kind of American modern music is blues.第二种是蓝调音乐What can we get from this kind of music?我们能从这种音乐中得到什么呢?
Blue has the meaning of“sadness”.蓝色这个单词有悲伤的含义 So we can taste the sad feelings in bules.所以我们能从蓝调中品味到悲伤的情感And we can also learn about Black American’s difficult life. 并且我们也能了解到美国黑人的艰辛生活
The last one is American rock music.最后一种是美国摇滚乐It is a new form of music with fast pace.这是一种飞速发展的新型音乐It first came out in the form of rock and roll in the 1950s.它首先出现以摇滚的形式出现在20世纪50年代Since then,there were many froms of rock music: hard rock,soft rock,punk rock and so on.从那以后,出现了很多形式的摇滚乐:(略音乐专有词)等等Many young people like playing this kind of music.很多年轻人喜欢玩(弹奏)这种形式的音乐
第1个回答  2009-02-10



第2个回答  2009-02-10
第3个回答  2009-02-10
美国当代音乐很受人们欢迎. 美国主要有3中当代音乐. 第一种是乡村音乐, 起源于美国南部乡村.乡村音乐很简单而且在听它的时候我们可以放松身心,它讲述的是日常生活和普通人的感受.
第二种是布鲁斯(蓝调).我们能从这种音乐中得到什么呢?蓝调的意思就是"哀伤". 我们可以通过蓝调来品尝悲伤的感觉.也可以了解美国黑人的困苦生活.
第三种是美国摇滚音乐.它是一种新形式的音乐发展迅速.它的形式来源于20世纪50年代的摇滚. 从那时开始, 摇滚乐有多种形式:硬式摇滚,软式摇滚,朋克摇滚等等.
第4个回答  2009-02-10