

Fatigue testing, a fundamental concept in materials science, refers to the process of assessing the endurance of a material or a structural component under repetitive stress or strain cycles. In this context, fatigue describes the gradual and localized, permanent damage that accumulates within a material as it undergoes cyclical loading. As the material is subjected to an increasing number of stress or strain cycles, the accumulated damage can eventually lead to the formation of cracks. These cracks, if not arrested, can progress and ultimately result in catastrophic failure, commonly known as fatigue fracture.

The objective of fatigue testing is to determine the point at which a material reaches its fatigue limit, the stress level beyond which it can no longer withstand the repetitive stress without failure. Engineers and researchers conduct these tests to predict the service life of components and ensure the structural integrity of materials in various applications, from aerospace to automotive industries. By understanding fatigue behavior, designers can implement strategies to mitigate fatigue, such as using stronger materials, optimizing component geometry, or applying fatigue-resistant manufacturing techniques.