

看过的 都来想想啊
我就记住个 超级棒~!

就是狗狗离开猫咪和仓鼠后 猫咪很仓鼠关于 朋友的那段对话~!

When your team mates in trouble, you go.
Whether they ask or not, you go!
Not knowing if you're coming back dead or alive......you go!
Knowing your deepest ravel it's gonna appears your eye, you go!
第1个回答  2009-01-24
But if bolt have told me anything, that is never abandon a friend at time you need.
When your teammate is in the trouble, you go.
No matter they asked or not, you go.
knowing you come back dead or alive, you go.
When you know the struggle and then present in your mind, you go.

Bolt:“There will be danger.”
Rhino:“I eat danger for breakfast!”
Bolt:“Are you hungry?”
Rhino:“〔cracks neck〕 Starving!”
Bolt:“Easy won't be part of the equation.”

Because all around the planet, there are animals who feel like they cannot, like a little hamster, who once spends his day in the vehicle park dreaming the day when he, too, save the little girl from danger and be told, "you did! you did, rhino. You saved the day." They need a hero, bolt. Someone no matter what they are or do what is right. They need a hero to tell them that, sometimes, impossible can become possible, if you are awesome!
呵呵 ,貌似都是犀牛说的