用英文简述为什么doctors are importan teachersthan


  Sports and entertainment personalities have higher value than professional workers like doctors, nurses and teachers in some societies, why this happened in some society and do you think it is a good or bad development.
  Psychologically, people, especially youngsters, need role models (榜样) and sports and entertainment personalities can easily become those that are encouraging to ordinary people, e.g. the Chinese swimmer Sun Yang and famous band, e.g. the Tang Dynasty. 年轻 人崇拜娱乐和体育明星的利弊;体育的作用(体育激励人心,提高全民素质 ); 举办奥运会的利弊。
  Some societies are highly commercialised and the intrinsic rule (内在规则) of which is that the more distinctive an image becomes, the more irreplaceable value it gains (一个形象越 独特,其不可替代的价值就越高), hence the high income, e.g. David Beckham, regardless of their actual contribution to the society.
  Entertainment stars can benefit the society through productions (作品) which deliver upbeat life attitude. And famous sports players can drive people’s zest for sport games, improving citizens’ overall fitness level. 年轻人崇拜娱乐和体育明星的利弊。
  Many of them participate actively in charity works, which raises a positive profile for citizens.
  Professional workers such as doctors, nurses and teachers have to go through endless tests and exammes to get qualifications, and their works largely benefit the society on people’s education and health. It appears to be unfair when comparing their salaries to the astronomical incomes of sports and entertainment celebrities.
  Quite a few sports and entertainment personalities do not have sufficient education, and many of them misbehave, e.g. fight and swear, divorce and luxuriant lifestyle, etc. All of these are magnified (被放大) by the mass media which produces damaging effect to young
  people who are vulnerable and imitate blindly. 年轻人崇拜娱乐和体育明星的利弊
  Nowadays, young people are admiring media and sport stars even though they don’t set a good example. This brings negative effect to the society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
  Some people think sports games are important for society, but others believe they should be taken as leisure activities. Discuss both these views and giver your own opinion.
  Holding Olympic Games is an exciting event. Some people think it has positive effects while others argue it is a waste of money. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
第1个回答  2016-06-30
It is right that teachers are important that they can teach us knowledge,but our health is the most important thing in life.If we are suffering a disease,a serious illness,what will happen if there is no doctor on the world.Just waiting for death,or submit to providence or something else.
Doctors' existence is very important for us.Everyone must be ill some day,whatever it is serius or not,we need a doctor to treat our pain.
though Doctors,nowadays,are often comdemned by the people,they still have their existence value.We cann't ignore teachers'significance,as a student,teacher can lead us to a bright prospect.However,when we feel sick,we must go to the hospital ,not school.
That is why I think doctors play a key role in our life.