

Traveling provides tremendous opportunities for fun, adventure and discovery. When we visit places in other countries, we gain a better understanding of the people living there. We learn their cultures, history and background. We discover the similarities they have with us, as well as their differences from us. It is interesting to learn from people with diverse backgrounds.

Traveling helps to enrich our lives. It increases our knowledge and widens our perspective. When we visit interesting places, we discover and learn many things. We discover new people, surroundings, plants and animals. If we want to make our travels more exciting and challenging, we can choose to plan our own tour and select the specific places we want to visit. Traveling not only provides us fun and adventure, it also provides us marvelous insights and enlightens our minds.

Traveling is refreshing and revitalizing. It is a psychological necessity, especially for people who has stressful jobs. In this society nowadays, many people suffer tremendous stress at work. Relaxing at home during the weekends is insufficient for some to unwind. Taking periodic vacation trips reap better results for them. The vacation trip helps to recharge their batteries and enable them to handle better the stress they experience at work. After the break, they feel more energize to return to work. For many working adults, regular getaways help them sustain their energy and vitality they require for their work. Without these breaks, they may suffer the consequence of work burn out.

Traveling provide opportunities for us to share our happiness with our friends and family. When we travel with our friends and family, we create memories that would last a lifetime. It is indeed a joyful thing to share the experience of a special trip with those we love. Giving them a wonderful traveling experience far outweighs the benefit of buying presents for them. Goods have a limited life span, whereas memories last forever.

One benefit of traveling is that we can choose the kind of trip we would like to have. There is a wide variety of traveling options for us to select from. We are free to select the type, duration and cost of travel that suits our interest and budget. For example, we can choose a two-day cruise to a nearby island or a year-long trip round the world. We can also choose to stay in a cheap motel or a five-star hotel. Apart from these, we can choose to travel as an independent traveler or go on a group packaged tour. With the enormous variety of options, there is definitely a kind of vacation trip to meet every individual need.
第1个回答  2009-01-05
The study of psychology shows that desire is aroused people cannot satisfy the common cause of action. Tourism demand of tourism act refers to the most basic, core power factor. This is the potential for travelers or outside or other travelers to decide for themselves, and the starting point, To travel in the environment of a target for or procure. In social life, tourism demand diversity and widespread and tourism demand and travel motivations are closely related. Tourism is pushing tourist activity and guidance of psychological process, tourism subjective reason.
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