罗曼罗兰英语简介 带汉语


罗曼·罗兰(法语:Romain Rolland,1866年1月29日-1944年12月30日),20世纪的法国著名思想家、文学家、批判现实主义作家、音乐评论家、社会活动家。作为作家,他创作了《约翰·克里斯多夫》《母与子》(又名《欣悦的灵魂》)等作品,并获得1915年的诺贝尔文学奖。他的小说特点被人们归纳为“用音乐写小说”,也是传记文学的创始人。作为社会活动家,他一生坚持自由真理正义,为人类的权利和反法西斯斗争奔走不息,被称为“欧洲的良心”。

Roman Roland (French: Romain Rolland, January 29, 1866 - December 30, 1944 twentieth Century), the famous French thinker, writer, critical realism writer, music critic, social activist. As a writer, he created the "John Christopher" "mother and son" (also known as "happy soul") and other works, and won the 1915 Nobel prize for literature. His novel features are summarized as "write a novel" by the music, the founder of biographical literature. As a social activist, he insisted on the truth and justice for the freedom of life, human rights and anti fascist struggle running endless, known as "the conscience of europe".
第2个回答  2014-05-25
英语Roman Roland
第3个回答  2014-05-25