I believe造句 宾语从句100句帮帮忙


I stick to what i believe in. 原想坚持我的信仰 jike.it168.com I believe learning can grow up. 我相信学习可以让长大。 www.itzhe.cn I believe we can be together. 相信我们能永远在一起。 blog.sina.com.cn Well, I believe they are wrong. 我相信,他们的想法是错的。 enews.tacocity.com.tw What the fuck can I believe ? 什么他妈的是我能相信的? www.for68.com I believe human nature is good. 我相信人的本质都是好的。 taipedia.selfip.info Because I believe that miracle! 因为我还相信奇迹! www.foxha.cn I believe . It begins with dream. 我信。它在梦开始的地方。 paper.dic123.com Hardly could I believe the news. 我几乎不能相信这个消息。 www.leeeee.com I believe in reincarnation. 我相信转世投胎。 www.kairos-usa.org Pure love is not. I believe that. 纯粹的爱情是没有的。我相信。 www.ecocn.org I believe China must win! 我相信,中国一定成功! www.itzhe.cn What I believe is true, nothing else. 我相信的就是真的,别无其他。 www.xueliedu.com I believe I can be like them one day. 我相信有一天我也可以和他们一样。 www.exams.cn Yes, I believe I would. 会的,我相信我会的。 I believe in my colleagues and helpers. 我相信自己的同僚和助手们。 blog.163.com I believe in mystery. 我相信神秘的事。 hi.baidu.com I believe his troth . 我相信他的誓言。 www.wwenglish.com Response: I believe . 回应:我相信。 hi.baidu.com I believe that love penetrates all walls. 我相信,爱能穿透所有的墙壁。 bbs.hsw.cn I believe that change is possible for me. 我相信这个变化对我是可能的。 www.hoopchina.com Mike: Why, yes, father, I believe it was. 迈克:是的,爸爸,我认为是这样的。 c.thec.cn I believe in love because my wife taught me how. 我相信爱情,因为我的妻子教会我如何信任。 sl.iciba.com I believe she sings the best among all the girls. 我相信在所有的女孩子中她唱的最好! bbs.fobshanghai.com This was a world with, I believe a roller skating ninja. 这是一个,我想,有滚轴溜冰忍者的虚拟世界。 hi.baidu.com I believe that a much better and brighter future awaits us. 我相信一个更加光明的未来在等待着我们。 www.jdfschool.com Today I believe English will be a powerful weapon in my life. 今天我相信,英语将会是我生命中最强有力的武器。 blog.sina.com.cn I believe that the people of the world want this future for their children. 我相信,全世界人民都希望为自己的孩子争取这样的未来。 www.tianya.cn Of these, I believe that the issue of rural land ownership is among other issues. 其中,笔者认为农村土地的所有权问题是研究其他问题的基础。 stillfantasy.com After Whatever happens, I will curb their emotions and rational solution to the problem, I believe that life will become even better! 以后,无论发生什么事情,我都会抑制自己的情绪,理智地解决问题,相信生活会变得更加美好!