
If you have a high speed Internet connection you need a firewall program. A firewall program keeps those who want to hijack your computer from gaining access to your system. You really do not want someone else running your computer.
I suggest you purchase and run Norton's personal firewall program. Your firewall should boot up with your computer to protect it from invasion. A free personal firewall program is available from Tiny Software.
firewall program是 防火墙程序 的意思,Norton 是诺顿的意思...其他的我就不是很明白了...希望有懂的帮忙翻译翻译.~!

If you have a high speed Internet connection you need a firewall program.
如果你有高速的网络连接, 你就需要一个防火墙程序。

A firewall program keeps those who want to hijack your computer from gaining access to your system.

You really do not want someone else running your computer.

I suggest you purchase and run Norton's personal firewall program.

Your firewall should boot up with your computer to protect it from invasion.

A free personal firewall program is available from Tiny Software.
你也可以从Tiny Software获取一个免费的个人防火墙程序。